
Showing posts from June, 2018


Hi everyone! Today we did explore and play had daily 5 in the morning. After snack we started talking about texture in art and the different objects in our classroom that can make interesting textures. One video we watched talked about texture vs. implied texture (feeling the texture and smooth surfaces that only appear to have different textures). We then had a presentation from the Calgary Public Library. They are offering over 500 FREE programs this summer. Here is the list of all programs: An information sheet was also sent home about their summer reading program. For gym, I could tell students really needed to move their bodies and could only handle minimal instructions so we decided to play freeze dance. They had a great time and had some pretty interesting dance moves. In the afternoon we had our last music class and guest reader. After recess, we tested different textures in the classroom with cr...


Hi everyone! This morning we did explore and play and decided on a team name for Sports Day tomorrow - The Beach Bros! We talked about how "bros" doesn't have to meet boys and that it means we are cool beach goers. Students then had snack and went to music. After music we had daily 5 literacy and a very short work period. For gym we went outside and during this time we also took some pictures. I like to take a picture with every student at the end of the year doing whatever they want me to do as a keepsake! In the afternoon we had guest reader and worked on our Sports Day flag. Each student decorated their own pair of sunglasses to add to our sign. When they were finished they continued with their work period jobs. We did a big clean up of our classroom for visitors to come after school and watched a Wild Kratts as a reward for the great cleaning job students did! TOMORROW IS SPORTS DAY! Our theme is beach day! Please dress in your beach attire (just no swim suits) St...


Hi Everyone, This morning students were joined by Miss L who was in the classroom during Explore and Play while I was in a meeting. We did Daily 5 literacy and during work period we worked on spelling, writing, colour by number addition math, and a graphing activity. For the graphing activity, students read data and created a simple bar graph and answered questions about the data. The second part of the activity was creating 3 survey questions to ask their classmates and recording the data. The students really enjoyed this activity! We spent gym outside enjoying the beautiful weather. In the afternoon, we had guest reader and did a writing activity. We need to decide on a class mascot/flag/team name for Friday's Sports Day! We brainstormed things that remind us of the beach and talked about using adjectives and alliteration in our team name. Students wrote what they thought the mascot should be and why and drew a picture. Tomorrow morning we will vote on our mascot and in the a...


Hello everyone! This morning we started our day off with music. Students had a substitute in music so this was definitely a bizarre way to start our day. We then had explore and play, snack and daily 5. We took some time to enjoy our new SmartBoard and talked about some of the birds that are found in Alberta. We also watched a video about how to identify different trees in Alberta. We had a presentation from some Grade 4 students about Sports Day on Friday. During gym we started to play bench dodgeball however, we had some difficulties listening and playing safely so our class came back to the classroom and spent our last 10 minutes using Go Noodle Plus. In the afternoon, we had guest reader and work period time. During work period, students were working on spelling, writing and an addition colour by number activity. Students chose their own spelling words and will be bringing those home. For writing, students could choose to write a weekend journal or write about their favourite p...

Sports Day!

Hey Lake Bonavista School! Get ready for sports at the beach, because on Friday, June 22nd, we are having a Beach Party themed Sports Day!  Students will have the whole morning to participate in awesome games like beach ball balance, pool noodle javelin, take the plunge relay  and many more. Each classroom will be creating their own team mascot for the event. Students are encouraged to dress in beach clothes, don’t forget the sunscreen! A healthy, nutritious snack will be provided by Parent Council on Sports Day. Fun Lunch will only be for those who ordered. If it’s sunny remember to bring sunscreen, a water bottle, a hat, and proper footwear. If it’s cloudy remember to bring a jacket or sweater, a water bottle, and proper footwear. See you at the LBS Beach Party on Sports Day! The Active Living Committee x


Hi Everyone! Today we started our daily with Daily 5 literacy! During work period students were doing art with Kids Art Club, working on spelling and some research using PebbleGo. The Grade 1s attended a Flag Day "assembly" in the gym. We had a Lions Club member come talk to us about the Canadian flag and each Grade 1 student will be bringing home a certificate and their own Canadian Flag. We also had our spelling quiz where students quizzed each other - they did a great job! In the afternoon we had guest reader and went to Mrs. Melindy's class for a story. We then had gym with our big buddy class! We needed to be out of the classroom during this time for our SmartBoard to be fixed... although they did not show up 😔 At the end of the day we had some free choice time while we anticipated the arrival of the SmartBoard techs. For the last 30 minutes of the day we joined Miss Ireland's class to watch Zoboomafoo while they started working on our Smart Board. We are ...


Hello everyone, Today we did Explore and Play and went to Mr. Link's class to practice our song for the assembly. During work period students were working on spelling, writing, and a Father's Day activity. We had gym outside. In the afternoon we had guest reader and more work time. If students were done their work, they were working on their genius hour research. At the end of the day we got together with Miss Ireland and Mr. Link's classes to share the videos that will be in the assembly. We are asking students not to turn around and watch them during the assembly so we thought it would be a good idea to show them. TOMORROW IS THE BIG ASSEMBLY DAY. THE ASSEMBLY BEGINS AROUND 1PM. WE HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE! PLEASE SEND YOUR CHILD WITH SUNGLASSES FOR THE PERFORMANCE IF POSSIBLE!


Hi Everyone! This morning we had daily 5 and quickly practiced our assembly poem in our groups. During work period we worked on spelling and writing. Students had the option to choose between a weekend journal or responding to: "If you could be anyone in the world who would you be and why?" We decided to change things up for spelling for the last 2 weeks of school. Students went through their writing books to pick out 8 words they had spelled incorrectly. The words were written out once in their spelling books and once on a blue piece of paper (looks like a spelling quiz) that will be coming home today. They will get with a partner on Friday to quiz each other. For gym, we wasted a lot of time not cleaning up after work period and talking in line so instead of going outside we ended up doing gym in the classroom with Go Noodle. We decided to try the Go Noodle Plus free trial so we could try some new activities. We used our gym time today to practice for the assembly in ...


Hi Everyone, Today we started our day with Explore and Play and went outside to take a big group picture! We then had daily 5 literacy and snack. During work period some students were finishing up work from the week and others were using Kids Art Hub for some drawing activities. Students then enjoyed some time outdoors with the lunch supervisors so teachers could attend the volunteer tea to say thank you to all of our amazing volunteers! We had a short time between then and lunch recess so we took some time to cool off from the hot sun and watch Zoboomafoo. In the afternoon we had guest reader and our spelling quiz. Can you believe there will only be two more spelling quizzes this year? We then enjoyed some free choice. Some of our free choice time had been taken away earlier this week but students were able to earn 5 minutes back today for doing an awesome job during Daily 5! At the end of the day we got together with Miss Ireland's class to practice our poem for the assembly ...


Hello! This morning we continued to use our Explore and Play time to create art for the Volunteer Tea on Friday. We had Daily 5 and during work period we were working on spelling, writing, and a subtraction review. The Grade 2s were working on subtracting with regrouping. We then had Australian Football and students were practicing their kicking skills. Afterwards we finished up our Magic School Bus about plants and each student planted a bean in a plastic cup using wet paper towel. We are excited to see the beans grow! Today we also went back to reverse lunch where students played outside first and then ate lunch. In the afternoon we had mindful minutes and guest reader. We then worked together to fix up some of the lines for the poem we are writing for next weeks assembly. We did math daily 3 where students were working on a variety of math activities and some students were working one-on-one with me on some math review. At the end of the day we made our own gratitude jars (on pa...

Volunteer Tea

Hi everyone! Please remember to RSVP to the Volunteer Tea this Friday if you are interested in joining us!  LBS Volunteer Tea   Please join us for tea!  We will treat you to delicious treats and student entertainment.   Date: Friday,  June 8 th , 201 8   Time: 10:00am   Location: Lake  Bonavista  School Gymnasium    Please RSVP to   Thank you for joining us at this  adult only  event.   Thanks everyone,   The Volunteer Tea Committee


Hi Everyone, This morning we did Explore and Play where students had the option to use Kids Art Hub to draw a flower for artwork for the Volunteer Tea. We will work on some water colour art during this time for the rest of the week if students choose to. We did Daily 5 and during work period students were working on spelling, editing their writing from yesterday, and finishing our shape booklets. We then had Australian Football outside for gym. Please send students with closed toe outdoor shoes for the rest of the week.  After gym, we started a KWL chart about plants as a class. Students shared what they already knew about plants (K) and what they want to know or are wondering about plants (W). I was blown away at the wonderings students have! We also started watching a Magic School Bus episode about plants. Here are a few of the questions they came up with - Why are some plants pretty? - Why do some plants smell good? - How does pollination work? - What happens to the othe...


Hi Everyone! This morning we did Daily 5 literacy and started our work period. During work period students were working on spelling, writing, and their shape books. For writing, students could choose between a weekend journal or responding to: If you could be any animal which animal would you be and why? The Grade 2s were working on an activity with all of the 3D shapes we have talked about and were finding the faces, vertices and edges of all the shapes. The Grade 1s were looking at hearts and finding 4 objects that were heart shaped. In the middle of work period we took a break to enjoy some Australian Football. Today we practice passing and tomorrow we will be kicking - PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR CHILD HAS CLOSED-TOE OUTDOOR SHOES TOMORROW.  Here are our spelling words for this week: Blue List: paw, saw, draw, crawl, fawn, yawn, lawn, awful Green List: giggle, goose, gorilla, biggest, begin, forget, dragon, foggy (hard G sound) In the afternoon we went to the story corner and...


Hi Everyone, Today we had Explore and Play and Daily 5 literacy. During work period students were finishing up their shape detective activity from earlier this week, as well as some addition review (regrouping for Grade 2s) and shape booklets. Some students who were finished all of their work chose to help out int he kindergarten room! We had our spelling quiz and went outside for gym as the gym was being used to practice for the talent show during our gym time. In the afternoon we had guest reader and free choice. If students were not finished all of their "must-dos" they worked with me to finish their work. At the end of the day we went to the Grade 3/4 talent show. Here are some import dates to note!  Monday, June 4th - Australian Football begins - please make sure your forms are returned Monday, June 4th - June Scholastic Orders Due Tuesday, June 5th - Last day of swimming Friday, June 8th - Volunteer tea 10am Thursday, June 14th - Room 6, 12, and 13 assembly...