End of May

Hello families, It has been busy around here! I apologize for the lack of blog posts. Here are a few photos from last week! In math we have been reviewing addition and subtraction! For the rest of the year we will be working on some review as well as some measurement basics. We have been working hard on some story writing! Students are writing stories about a chosen animal and how it came to have one of their structural adaptations. For example, "How the fox got its fluffy tail" or "how the beaver got its big teeth." We are going through each step of the story writing process... Planning ↓ Sharing & Feedback ↓ First Draft ↓ Editing (which we started today!) We also used step-by-step drawings to learn how to draw our animals. I am hoping we can finish these up by early next week! Guest Reader We are not going to continue with Guest Reader for the rest of June since there are so many students interested and not enough days! We are going to invite some old...