November 21 - 24
Hello families, This week we have been working very hard on our Best Part of Me writing. Students decided on the best physical part of them and brainstormed ideas about what it looks like, feels like, and what they can do with it. They then use sentence frames to put their ideas into complete sentences. From there, students focused on improving the neatness of their writing, thinking about "sky, grass, dirt" letters, proper spacing, and appropriate use of lowercase and uppercase letters. They then did a final copy and a self-reflection on their work. In math, we've been working on creating some base ten donuts as a parallel task to our base ten creatures. Students were asked to create 3 specific numbers on their donuts, and then create a donut of their choice. We've been continuing to learn about colours and enjoyed colour mixing with paint and going on a community walk to search for primary and secondary colours. Here is what we've been up to in our Word Work...