
Showing posts from May, 2019


Hello families! What a busy, but fun, week. We worked really hard this week to prepare for our sharing assembly today. The students did an awesome job! Thank you to everyone who was able to come share in our learning. This week we have been working on some "number detective" activities and addition and subtraction word problems. Here is a bonus "homework" activity for the weekend if you're interested! With each clue, answer: What numbers are eliminated and why?  1. I am greater than 21.  2. Both of my digits are odd.  3. The sum of my digits is less than 8.  4. When you subtract my digits, the difference is 0.  5. What number am I?  This week we also continued to work on measurement and continued learning about the animals that belong to the 7 Grandfather Teachings. Please remember to return your library books for Monday. Several students went straight home after the assembly so I decided to wait until Monday to send home the spell...


Hello families! This week we are working on "-ate" words. We talked a lot about "Bossy E" or "Magic E," meaning when an 'E' is added to the end of a word, it makes the vowel say it's name (ie. cut becomes cute). Here is a video we watched. We also have some new little visitors in our classroom! Some of the other grade 1/2 classes have been studying caterpillars and had some extras that they were kind enough to share! In PE, we continued practicing our soccer skills and also practiced throwing the frisbees outside. I am terrible at frisbee and don't want my students to turn out the same way! In the afternoon we enjoyed using our school's "Play-To-Go" wagon. The students' came up with such cool ideas. My favourite, was creating instruments and singing a song we'll be performing at our assembly. Here are some other creations!


Hello families! Can you believe it's Friday already?! There are only 23 instructional days left! This week we have been practicing our "-oon" words. We have also been learning about measurement. We have been using non-standard units of measurement. We talked about the importance of choosing items that are the same size such as a snap cube or scissors. Pencils aren't always a great choice since they can be different sizes. You can use any objects at home to practice measuring! Here are some measuring "rules" we've talked about when it comes to measuring length, height, and width.  The tables are 11.5 markers long.  The height of the chair is 26 dice. We have also been talking a lot about the 7 Grandfather Teachings. We were first introduced to this idea from Ms. Grant last week. The students have really been enjoying learning about them and seem to be quite connected to the ideas and animals. They have each chosen an animal/idea that ...


Hello families,  Today we had library and chose words from the "-oon" family. In PE, we started on some soccer skills. We also had daily 5 literacy and music in the afternoon.  I sent out an email earlier today regarding our sharing assembly. This will be on Friday, May 31st at 11am. I hope to see you all there!  We will be heading to Fish Creek on Wednesday, June 5th and 12th. All students will be attending both days. Forms for these will likely be coming home early next week. Our ducklings have left us... which is good because they were getting way too big to live at LBS! Here are some final photos and videos as well as a photo-recreation. There are about 20 years between the two photos - couldn't resist! 


Hello everyone!  This morning we had library and chose our words from the "-oom" family. We also had a lockdown practice this morning.  In the afternoon we had a colour group activity where students played games organized by the grade 5 and 6 students. It was a beautiful day to be outside!  The ducklings have returned after their weekend away at a students' house. It seems they have doubled in size. Miss Ireland is away and we are keeping them safe in room 13. They even had to be moved to a larger container. It is clear that they are very attached to each other!  Tomorrow is our last day of swimming and on Wednesday we will be headed to the Arts Commons. Grade 2 oral health study forms are due back by Thursday. 


We have 8 ducks! Today we named them all based on the students' suggestions. Here are photos and names of all of them!  Archie The first born - named after the new Royal baby since they were born the same day.  Rosie DJ Apparently stands for Duck Junior  Fluffy Stevie Named after Farmer Steve Stickybeak From a story called Stickybeak   Carrot For his bright orange bill and feet..  he was the 7th duck born and what we thought was the last.    Lemon The most yellow duck who surprised us this morning!  Lemon is just missing in this photo Arts Commons  🎭 The Arts Commons field trip forms are due back tomorrow. We are down a few volunteers so please let me know if you're interested in joining us. Thanks!! Volunteer Tea & Choir Performance   🍵 Tomorrow's Volunteer Tea starts at 11. The choir students will be performing their songs around 11:15. Hope to se...


As I'm sure you've all heard by now.. we now have 7 little ducklings! They are ridiculously cute. I'm not sure if the kids or more excited, or if Miss Ireland and I are more excited.  Here are some more photos and videos! (I promise that we're doing more than watching ducks all day!)


Here are some duck photos and videos! We have 3 ducklings so far and are hoping more will hatch tonight before we open the incubator in the morning. Here is a link to a video of the first duck hatching. It hatched yesterday at about 3pm. (hopefully this video works - it won't work for me but is working for Miss Ireland) So photogenic!! 


Hello families! We had a very busy day today! We had library this morning and went outside for gym since we had a presentation during our normal gym time. We only had a short time for our Weekly Words so we brainstormed all together instead of in partners. This week we are focusing on words from the "-ent" family. We also had a presentation from Farmer Steve who talked to us about the birds and bees - don't worry, he literally taught us about birds and bees. Farmer Steve is Miss Ireland's dad who visits from Victoria every year to give these presentations. We are expecting the ducks to hatch in the next day or two! A lot has happened even since the bell went this afternoon! We are recording everything with our document camera. In the afternoon we had some time to choose our weekly words and students had music. Field Trip forms for the Arts Commons came home today. Forms need to be returned by Friday, May 10th. We are still looking for a couple more volunteers...


Hello families, We had another great day of swimming today! Students were also working on their animal research and a "wanted" shape poster.  I wanted to let you know that I will be away tomorrow. I am attending a first aid recertification and will be back on Monday. This also means that spelling quizzes will not come home until Monday. Have a great weekend!


Today we celebrated Hats On! For Mental Health. We had a chat about the difference between physical health and mental health. We shared some of the things we do when we have a bad day to help us feel better and discussed the importance of sharing how we feel. We also talked about safety and some of the things that make us feel safe at school and at home. Students were working on 3D shape nets today as a responsible work choice. I told them they could take the shapes home if they want. Some students who have finished up their animal research, have been learning how to use Google Slides to present their information. If you child is working on this, they will be bringing home their log-in information today. You are not expected to work on this at home, but the students are quite excited about it and are welcome to work on it at home. They also might want to show you what they are working on, or maybe they want to start a different slide show presentation on something else they are ...