
Hello families!

We had a very busy day today! We had library this morning and went outside for gym since we had a presentation during our normal gym time. We only had a short time for our Weekly Words so we brainstormed all together instead of in partners. This week we are focusing on words from the "-ent" family. We also had a presentation from Farmer Steve who talked to us about the birds and bees - don't worry, he literally taught us about birds and bees. Farmer Steve is Miss Ireland's dad who visits from Victoria every year to give these presentations. We are expecting the ducks to hatch in the next day or two! A lot has happened even since the bell went this afternoon! We are recording everything with our document camera.

In the afternoon we had some time to choose our weekly words and students had music.

Field Trip forms for the Arts Commons came home today. Forms need to be returned by Friday, May 10th. We are still looking for a couple more volunteers. Please let me know if you're interested. Our field trip is on Wednesday, May 15th.

Today, our grade 2 students also brought home a form regarding a study on oral health.

We have our 4th day of swimming tomorrow - Remember your swimming gear!


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