Hello everyone! Yesterday we got started on our community project! Students took a look at the 4 landscapes and discussed the following questions with their groups: What do you notice? What is special about the land? What would be good about living there? bad? What resources would you have? Where have you seen a landscape like this before? We will continue our work next week! Here are some photos of the landscape (not the straightest photos I've ever taken...) I've decided that we need a little extra practice with our math facts, and because Thursdays allow us to have a little more work period time, we are going to have our extra practice on Thursdays. Students either chose to practice adding numbers to 20 (horizontally and vertically) or adding numbers to 100 (without regrouping). I've been introducing some fun math games that we can play as a class and that students can do in a small group during their responsible work choice time. Today, students ...