
Hello families!

We had a busy day today!

This morning we had a presentation from the Bonavista Eye Clinic and their mascot Fribbit! Each chid will be bringing home some information and an eye ring. We then had our gym time indoors doing a workout. We then chose words from the "-and" family!

On Friday, we ran out of time for free choice and a math number line game so I promised we would do both of those things today. We had a little bit of free choice after lunch and students ended their day in music.

Tomorrow we will be having library and we will be talking about Pink Shirt Day. Pink Shirt Day is on Wednesday, February 26th! Remember to wear pink or something similar! This year their focus is to "Lift Each Other Up!"

One World Drumming
Tomorrow we will be starting a One World Drumming Artist in Residence program. This company will be working with our school for the next two weeks. We are very excited about this unique experience! Our class will not be starting until the week of March 2nd. Our gym is the only space large enough to host these sessions so our PE time for the next two weeks will be a combination of classroom activities and outdoor activities!

Upcoming Dates: 
Wednesday, February 26th - Pink Shirt Day
Monday, March 2nd - Friday March 6th - One World Drumming sessions
Wednesday, March 18th - Art Felt Studios in-class visit 12:30-2:30 - Volunteers Needed - More info to come
Monday, April 6th - Scientists in School in-class program about liquids (half the class participating - volunteers needed- with Ms. Carroll's class) More info to come
Thursday, April 9th - Scientists in School in-class program about liquids (half the class participating - volunteers needed- with Mr. Link's class) More info to come

Swimming Dates - More info to come
Departing LBS 1:20pm
Swimming lesson 1:45-2:15
Arrive LBS 2:35
Going with Mrs. Ireland's class every day

  • Tuesday, April 21st
  • Thursday, April 23rd 
  • Tuesday, April 28th 
  • Thursday, April 30th 
  • Tuesday, May 5th 
  • Thursday, May 7th 

Our swimming lessons this year will be at the Trico centre. Male and female volunteers will be needed for each date and you can either take the bus, or meet us there. Volunteers will supervise in the change rooms before and after lessons and can watch students during the lessons (there is no swimming involved for volunteers!)

Please let me know if you're interested in volunteering for Art Felt, Scientists in School, or Swimming! I will do my best to keep track of all of this! 😅


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