September 18-21
Hello families! Here's some of what we did this week! Math We continued talking a little about patterns and worked on different ways to represent numbers. Grade 1 students are working on their teen numbers and enjoyed learning how to use the Montessori Teen Bead Hanger and the Teen Board with the Coloured Bead Bars. (I forgot to take photos so here's a visual from Google instead!) Grade 2 students were working on some numeracy government assessments this week! Literacy This week we continued with UFLI and reviewed the letters A, M and S. We're learning all about how to form our mouth properly and how to form the letters properly when writing. Students were asked to draw 4 things that start with these letters and sound the words out as best as they can. We talk about pretending to have a piece of bubblegum in your hand and stretching out each sound we hear. Grade 2s worked on writing sentences as a challenge! If you'd like to continue reinforcing these concepts at home...