September 11-15

Hello Families, 

I'm going to try to be a little more concise this week - there's just so much to share!! 


We're continuing to learn about patterns! We've been learning about different types of patterns (i.e. AB, ABC, etc.) and some important pattern math vocabulary including attributes and pattern cores. We also created some mandala patterns with the pattern blocks and worked on some Dot Day pattern art. We also started looking at representing numbers (grade 1s to 20 and grade 2s to 100) so I can see what students already know! 

Dot Art will be on display in the classroom during Thursday's Open House! 


We have been continuing with our UFLI literacy lessons each morning. We're learning all about mouth formation and airflow of different sounds as well as practicing letter formation. Next week we should be moving on from our "getting ready" lessons and will move on to letter review and practice! 

For Daily LA, we also practiced "read to self" and "buddy reading." We learned about choices for "word work" and practiced "listen to reading" on the iPads. We learned how to use Epic! I'm hoping to have students in groups for Daily LA rotations next week! If you are able, please send your child with a pair of labelled AUX headphones to use for listen to reading! If you already have bluetooth headphones, we can also give those a try. I'm just not sure how well they will work with multiple devices in the room.


Social Studies & Science

We have been learning all about how to show care to others and this week we talked about how to show care for ourselves. We read a book called "Germs vs. Soap" and learned that proper hand hygiene is one way to show care to ourselves. Students were asked to draw two examples of how we show care to ourselves. On Monday, our school nurse will be visiting to talk to students more about proper hand hygiene! 

On Friday we took advantage of the beautiful weather and got outside! We read a story together called "Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn" and students chose a sit-spot in the front of our school yard. Students were focused on observing and sketching signs of fall. 


A package of blue forms were sent home this week. This includes an overview of your child, a health plan, the annual volunteer form and yearbook consent. These forms are due back on Monday, September 18th. 

Volunteering & Upcoming Field Trips

Our grade 1/2 team has been planning field trips for the year! If you are interested in volunteering, please make sure your clearance is complete ASAP as it can take several weeks to process. Your annual volunteer form will also need to be filled out. We're in the midst of planning a trip for mid-October and already have field trips booked for November and February! I will also be looking for volunteers to support in the classroom throughout the year. Please contact the office if you need any help with volunteer clearances! 

Upcoming Dates

  • Monday, September 18th - Glow Germs Presentation
  • Tuesday, September 19th - Terry Fox Run 1:15pm
  • Wednesday, September 19th - Walking Field Trip with Room 8
  • Thursday, September 21st - Open House (4:30-5:30)/Welcome Back BBQ
  • Friday, September 22nd - Organizational Day - No school for students
  • Thursday, September 28th - Orange Shirt Day
  • Thursday, September 28th - The Lunch Lady Fun Lunch
  • Friday, September 29th - Day in Lieu of Truth & Reconciliation (No school)
  • Saturday, September 30th - National Day for Truth & Reconciliation 
  • Monday, October 2nd - Picture Day


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