November 20-23

Hello families, Here's an update about our week! Literacy In literacy we reviewed the nasalized a sound (like in an or am) and the short i sound. We learned more about adjectives and students worked to describe a hamburger - this work was shared at conferences! We also talked about the "ip" word family and students used sound boards to brainstorm as many "ip" words as they could. During Daily LA we started reading decodable books in grade 1 and some levelled readers in grade 2! Ms. H also taught a lesson based on the book L is for Loving. Students chose one emotion that was new to them and drew a picture of that emotion with the matching word or letter sound. Here are the sight words for next week! I will add the full documents so you can save them for reference at home! Please refer to last week's blog for ideas of how to practice words at home and for some additional literacy resources ! Math In math we enjoyed doing some m-art (math and art!) Students...