November 15-17

Hello families!

We had a short but busy week!

Art Cards came home today! I think they turned out great! Orders are due by November 28th in order to receive cards before Christmas time. You can also order other items made from your child's artwork such as ornaments, puzzles and plaques! 


This week we reviewed the short a vowel sound! We also learned about synonyms so develop students sensory language. Students worked in table groups using Word Hippo to write synonyms for a given word. Students were asked to choose any classroom material to describe. Some students used Word Hippo to explore synonyms.

Next week's words! 

A few ideas for how to practice sight words at home! 

Here's how we practice words through writing - we also build the words with classroom materials.

Here are some decodable books and other resources you can use at home as well! 

In science we continued with our science groups! We won't always be teaching science this way but tried it out for our matter topic to fill in any learning gaps after our pumpkin inquiry. 

Grade 1s:

  • I can identify measurable properties of objects.
  • I can directly compare the length, area, and weight of various objects.
  • I can predict how actions can physically change properties of various objects.
  • I can explore actions that physically change properties of various objects.
  • I can describe physical changes that result from various actions. 
  • I can discuss why physical changes do not change what an object is made of.
Ask your child what length, weight and area are! We will be looking at physical changes more next week!




Building and Breaking



From Ms. Greenhall's grade 2 group: 
Grade 2s began by looking at the different materials that objects are made of and went on a classroom scavenger hunt. We then began to look at the variety of properties a material can have such as transparent, opaque, malleable, and reflective. 


We're continuing to represent numbers with base ten blocks. Students LOVED doing a classroom scavenger hunt where they had to find all the hidden numbers to write what number was represented. 

In physical education we started learning soccer skills. We learned how to kick a soccer ball with the inside of our foot and practiced dribbling the ball with our feet. 

Social Studies
Students enjoyed learning about Rock your Mocs and the Metis people on Friday with Ms. Adamson and Mrs. Green! We ran out of time to finish our conversation so will continue next week! 

Upcoming Dates
  • Thursday, November 23rd - Parent Teacher Conferences (PM)
  • Friday, November 24th - Parent Teacher Conferences (AM)
  • Thursday, November 30th - The Saucy Bread Company Fun Lunch
  • Thursday, November 30th - Spirt Day - Hat Day
  • Friday, December 8th - PD Day - No School
  • Thursday, December 14th - Winter Event 6:30-8:00 more info to come


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