Hi Everyone! Our baby chicks have hatched! Six of the seven eggs have now hatched, two are very new and still quite weak from taking so long to hatch and one more started to hatch but we're not sure if it will make it all the way. This morning we worked on the last pages of our chick booklet, chick writing (two needs and two wants of a chick) and spelling. We had two short work periods and library. We spent a few minutes outside before lunch to maintain our routine! After lunch we had our first netball session! Afterwards we had some more work period time. After recess we talked about our new Character Word of the Week - HONESTY . We discussed what it means to be honest and why being honest is important and read a social story called "Lying Up A Storm." I learned after school today that it is National Honesty Day... who knew! Blue List: an, pan, can, than, and, sand, stand, brand Green List: motion, lotion, action, direction, collection, addition, subtrac...