
Hi Everyone!

Today we continued talking about how we dispose of different types of waste! We are trying very hard to make sure we are putting everything in the correct bin at school! We also started to research the animals we made masks for. Students are learning the basic skills of research and organizing the information they learn in a graphic organizer. We are using books from our library as well as a great online resource, PebbleGO! You can access PebbleGO at home as well.

1. Visit
2. Select the tab "Online Reference Centre" at the top of the page
3. Scroll down about half way to PebbleGO

This is a great website with information on science, social studies and animals. It is in student-friendly language and reads the information aloud if needed.

In the afternoon we had work period and continued with our tasks from earlier this week. We also started talking about the difference between liquids and solids. We discussed how liquids take the form of the container they are in and solids do not and how liquids flow and solids do not. Students made a list of 10 things they know that are solids, and 10 things they know that are liquids. At the end of the day we watched a Bill Nye video all about fluids.


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