
Hello everyone!

We had a busy morning today! We had music, library, and gym!

In the afternoon we had guest reader and work period time. During work period we got new spelling words, worked on day 6-8 of our chick booklets, and wrote about our weekends. Today is the 8th day of the eggs being in the incubator. By now they have wings, beaks an toes and are starting to move. They are also starting to develop feathers. Our spelling words this week are all homophones! During the spelling quiz, students will need to use the sentence to figure out which spelling of the word is correct.

Blue Words: hair, hare, heal, heel, pair, pear, blue, blew
Green Words: piece, peace, right, write, weather, whether, through, threw

Our Character Word of the Week is KINDNESS. At the end of the day today, we read a book called "Pass it On" and watched a couple of videos about the ripple effect. We also dropped three different sized rocks into a bucket of water to show that even the smallest act of kindness can make a ripple effect. This lesson seemed to have quite an impact on students - I am looking forward to focusing on kindness this week.

If you feel the same way about Mondays as I do, you should give this one a watch - very powerful! 

Lastly, if your child was interested, a notice about Beyblade club came home today. This club will be on Wednesdays. Your child might have also brought home a form about Grade 1/2 choir on Wednesdays. They cannot do both! There will also be a guitar club (grade 2 and higher) during the month of May, and again, students will have to choose one of these clubs! The forms for guitar club will hopefully be coming home next week.


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