
Hello everyone!

This morning instead of doing daily 5 literacy we took this time to work on our chick booklets. We talked about the different parts of a chicken and discussed some interesting facts and adaptations of chickens. During our short work period, students worked on spelling and finishing up their shape work with circles/spheres. We then went to Miss Ireland's classroom and took a look at some interesting pictures. The students were asked to share one word that comes to mind when they see the picture. Miss Ireland only wrote down certain words and students had to figure out what type of words were being recorded. It was determined that all of the words were adjectives. We then went outside for gym - we will have netball again tomorrow!

In the afternoon we did guest reader and talked about some more oviparous animals. We watched a video of a stingray being born from a "mermaid purse" and a flamingo being hatched. We then got together with Miss Ireland's class again and read a story called "The Word Collector." We then had students work in pairs to go around the school and write down words they found interesting. Tomorrow we will sort these words into nouns, adjectives and verbs.

At the end of the day we went to Mr. Link's class and continued talking about honesty, this time in the form of cheating. We read a story called "I Repeat, Don't Cheat."

Lastly, we are down to 4 chicks! The 3 chicks that hatched last did not make it. We were a little worried about the one chick yesterday as he kept closing his eyes and standing in one spot and wasn't eating or drinking much. The last 4 we have left all seem healthy and we are expecting that they will all be with us for good! (Or until they get too big and have to give them away.)


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