
Hello everyone! 

This week we are doing summer themed weekly words - each student chose a list for the week! 
Blue List: sun, fun, run, June, rest, trip
Green List: July, flowers, hiking, outside, summer, shorts
Orange List: camping, air conditioner, August, gardening, frisbee, sandcastle

The students really enjoyed art day today. We did this in collaboration with Miss Ireland, Mr. Link and Mrs. Green. Students did 3/4 of the art activities and each teacher taught a different one. Here are some pictures from my pineapple art and Mr. Link's jellyfish art! Our class also did some step-by-step drawings with Mrs. Green and we may have to borrow Miss Ireland's dragonfly painting activity later this week! 

Here are the activities for the rest of the week. Today we tried to earn stuffed animals for tomorrow but unfortunately we did not! Students can bring a 2 things...
1. a blanket OR a sleeping bag, 
2. and a flashlight if you want to send one!
Please do not send stuffed animals or tents! (these are the questions I've been getting today!)

Tuesday June 25th - Camping Day!
  • Please send in a flashlight for your child if you can. If you have a sleeping bag or blanket that you might be able to send in for the day as well, that would be great!
Wednesday June 26th - Board Game Day!
  • If able, please send in any board games that your child can teach a small group! Ones that have minimal pieces are ideal as we don’t want to make a big mess or lose any of them!
Thursday June 27th - Last Day and Party!! Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • If you would like to contribute to the end of the year celebratory snacks for the day, please email me!
Please send a bag of any kind (grocery, reusable, etc) by Wednesday, June 26th with your child, in order for them to bring home their journals and books from the school year. We will be sending everything home at the end of next week!

As another reminder, if you haven’t already done so, please send in any home reading books you may have so we can add them back to our classroom library!

Report cards will be coming home on Thursday, June 27th. We are not able to send them home before this. If your child will not be here on the last day of school, please let me know. You will be able to pick up their report card in September or you can provide the school with an addressed, stamped envelope and we will mail you the report card. 


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