
Hello families!

Today I sent home a small slip of yellow paper with any student that has an over-due library book. Please try to find them at home!

Reminders for Tonight's Concert!! 

Please arrive by 7:10pm! Don't forget to check out our AARCS table! If your child is on the end of their row during the performance, I would recommend sitting on the opposite side of the gym so you can see them! They should know if they are near the end!

Students will: 

  • Put their outdoor boots in their regular places (boot racks or boot carpets), not at the front door
  • Coats on their own coat racks,
  • Have their indoor shoes at school,
  • Meet in their classrooms before the concert
  • Parents can bring their coats into classrooms or into the gym. 

Guests will: 
  • Wipe your outdoor shoes and keep them on
  • You can keep your jackets with you or leave them in our classroom
  • Pick students up in their classrooms after the show
  • Please do not leave by either of the South doors. 

Tomorrow is PJ day! 
Please do not send stuffed animals or blankets! 


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