January 25-28

Hello families! 

This week we re-visited the idea of being a classroom family. As a family we share a lot with each other and unfortunately sometimes that involves sad news. I am so proud of all of the students this week. I am surrounded by thoughtful, kind and intuitive little kids. They are all truly amazing and never fail to surprise me with their empathy and understanding. It is a privilege to be their teacher and our classroom feels even more like a second family. Thank you to any families that have reached out to offer support during this time. 

This week I also shared some exciting (to me) news, as we do with our families. I am very excited to become an Aunt this summer as my oldest brother is having our family's first grandchild. I just want to clarify in case any students misunderstood who is having a baby...

We focused on words from the "-ag" family this week. And in math, we continued talking about doubles and near doubles. 

We continued to work towards finishing up our winter animal self portraits. We talked a lot about feedback, it's importance, and how to give and receive feedback. We watched the story of "Austin's Butterfly" and paused along the way to discuss what kind of feedback we would provide to Austin. The students were very thoughtful in their feedback, and very kind. We talked about helpful feedback being kind and specific, but that telling someone "good job" does not help them improve. Students then partnered up and gave each other feedback on their portrait design. We also started working on our backgrounds for our portraits using different materials and textures and will finally finish up early next week! I will post final photos on Google Classroom as the end product will have students faces in them. Ms. Wuetherick also taught students about the importance of totem poles and animals. Students watched the story "Sometimes I Feel Like a Fox" and built their own totem poles. 

Adding in some photos I originally forgot to share! (Feb. 29)

Here are some of the backgrounds we started today! The backgrounds had to fit with what type of animal students are turning themselves into - a migrator, hibernator or adapter.

Today, students were very excited for the Class Dojo store. Students had more points than in previous months and had to figure out what they could buy and how many points they would have left. 

Today we also talked briefly about Bell Lets Talk Day and the importance of taking care of our bodies and our feelings. We discussed ways we take care of our bodies such as eating well, getting sleep and exercising. We then talked about ways that we cheer ourselves up if we are feeling sad or not ourselves. We watched a story called "Lucy's Blue Day" and watched the 2021 Bell Lets Talk Day commercial with Michael Buble. 

Upcoming Dates: 
  • Friday, January 29th - PD Day (No School)
  • Early February - Report Cards Available (specific date to come)
  • Wednesday, February 10th - Valentine's Day at school
  • Thursday, February 11th & Friday, February 12th - Teacher's Convention (No School)
  • Monday, February 15th - Family Day (No School)


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