February 8-10

 Hello families! 

For our weekly words this week, students got to choose between three lists of Valentine's Day themed words. We also read a few Valentine's Day stories this week. 

Students also listened to a story called "Love Is" and chose to write about what they think love is or what Valentine's Day is about. 

We also enjoyed reading this Valentine's Day poem as a class. 

Since students weren't able to bring Valentine's cards for their classmates. We did a secret Valentine exchange. Students made 1 Valentine for one of their classmates. Their cards were so sweet and they really enjoyed making them. We made them on Tuesday afternoon and handed them out on Wednesday afternoon. 

We also revisited the idea of independence and being a problem solver. We talked about big and small problems and students worked in their table groups to sort a variety of problems. 

We also learned about Kelso's Choices - these are ways that we can solve many small problems. Students are encouraged to try 2 of Kelso's Choices before asking an adult for help. 

We watched the story "How to Catch a Star" which is about problem solving and persistence and together we are designing a large sign for our classroom that says "BE A PROBLEM SOLVER!" to use as a reminder throughout the rest of the year. 

Students also continued working on their partner math problems and had fun with some Valentine's Day math problems!

Yesterday I let students know that we will be welcoming another student teacher into our classroom. Mrs. Rooney will be starting on Tuesday, February 16th and will be with us until the end of April! We are excited to get to know her!

Have a great long weekend and enjoy your Valentine's Day and Family Day! 💜

Upcoming Dates:
  • Thursday, February 11th and Friday, February 12th - Teachers' Convention - No School
  • Monday, February 15th - Family Day - No School
  • Thursday, February 18th - 100th Day of School! 
  • Thursday, March 11th (PM) and Friday, March 12th (AM) - Virtual Student-Led Conferences - more information to come (No school on the Friday)


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