March 1-5
Hello families!
This week we learned about words from the "-en" family. We learned a poem called "A Smart Hen."
We started our week with a new seating change and used a map of our classroom for students to figure out where their new spots were. We also began our week with our monthly "Class Dojo Store."
We have been trying to fit two Daily 5 literacy stations in each day to increase our time reading and writing and so students are reading with me or Mrs. Rooney more frequently.
We also started a math project called "My Amazing Number." Students will be sharing this work during Student-Led Conferences next week so I won't share too much information with you! Students have been using a bulls-eye style rubric to guide their work. We spent a big chunk of our week working on this activity, giving and receiving feedback, and in some cases, doing multiple drafts of our work to make it even better!
We enjoyed having our first Mindfulness session with Mrs. Pavey on Wednesday morning. We learned about who she is and what her job is, the importance of mindfulness and the idea that it is a Mindfulness Practice, meaning it is something we need to practice to get better at. We did a breathing exercise where we anchored our bodies and used our breath to connect our minds and bodies.Student-Led Conferences
Last year, Student-Led Conferences were cancelled last minute because of Covid. This might be some students' very first time with this type of conference, and doing them online will be new for all of us! This is a chance for students to share their learning with their families. It is essential that students attend the meeting as they will be responsible for guiding the conversation. More information will come next week! If you have not signed up for conferences yet, please make sure to sign up and let me know if you are having trouble booking! Mrs. Rooney and I are hoping to meet with every family! Video calls will be best as having students share their learning when we can't see them will be difficult. Please let me know if you are unable to mean via Microsoft Teams.
Upcoming Dates:
- Thursday, March 11th (PM) and Friday, March 12th (AM) - Virtual Student-Led Conferences - No school on the Friday
- Monday, March 29th - Monday, April 5th - March Break & Easter - No school
- Tuesday, April 6th - School Resumes
- Monday, April 26th - PD Day
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