October 12-15

Hello families! 

I apologize for the late blog post. I ran out of time on Friday afternoon and left my laptop charger at school all weekend... oops! 


This week we reviewed the letters T with our characters Timmy Tiger and Terrible Tommy T Rex, and the letter S with Sadie Seal. We continue with Daily 5 literacy time each day, and tried some writing about our weekends. 


In math, we reviewed the number 10 and started looking at our teen numbers. I gave students a little pre-assessment to see if they were able to count and identify quantities from 10-20, and draw these quantities using a tens frame. We will be continuing to work with our teen numbers next week! 


Last week we briefly talked about opaque, translucent and transparent. Students drew three pictures and covered each with a different type of material. We also watched this video to review this concept. 

The Great Lessons

We continued with two more demonstrations from the first Montessori Great Lesson. We discussed the layers of the Earth and how it is the "nature of things" that heavy particles sink. Students created their own Earth with Playdoh and our demonstration involved layering liquids and making predictions about which liquids were light, medium, and heavy. 

Our second demonstration focused on volcanoes. Once the Earth began to cool, the crust of the Earth was formed, but underneath the molten rock continued to bubble. Our volcano erupted using baking soda and vinegar, and we learned a little bit about the active volcano in Spain. 

Students then created a mosaic volcano and labelled each part of their volcano. 

Social Studies

This week we continued to talk about family! Please return the "Cultural Heritage" activity for tomorrow so we can learn more about all of our families! 


We continued to explore Kelso's Choices this week! We learned more about the wheel and focused in on the choice "Say Stop." This week we will continue looking at each choice in more detail. 

In gym, we learned some new Halloween themed games. The students have really been enjoying the games and we are slowly learning to be more mindful of our space when travelling through the gym to ensure no one gets hurt! 

It was brought to my attention that some students have been sneaking to the "washroom" and going through other students' backpacks. We will be discussing this tomorrow and how these actions are unkind, not respectful, and do not help students feel safe at school. If you could please talk to your child about this, I would really appreciate it! 

Upcoming Dates
  • Thursday, October 7th - ADmazing Savings Fundraiser due
  • Thursday, October 21st - PJ Day (school wide)
  • Friday, October 22nd - School T-Shirt Day
  • Friday, October 29th - Halloween At School - more info to come
  • Thursday, November 11th - Remembrance Day - No School
  • Friday, November 12th - PD Day - No school for students
  • Thursday, November 25th - Parent Teacher Conferences (PM)
  • Friday, November 26th - Parent Teacher Conferences (AM) No school for students 


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