March 28-April 1
Hello families,
I hope everyone enjoyed a restful March Break! I'm sure you heard that when students returned, our classroom looked quite different! We were finally able to bring the carpets back to the classroom which inspired a new classroom layout! Students have been loving the more flexible work spaces, and it is so nice to meet on the carpet as a class again. Here are a couple of photos!
Before the break we had our newest little hermit crab, JJ, die. I'm not sure what's been going on lately as I've had the crabs for 3-4 years and have never had one die up until this year! I picked up a new hermit crab and when I got him to the school I realized he only has one eye! So we decided to name him after Plankton from Spongebob who's name is actually Sheldon J. Plankton, so his name is Sheldon (also he lives in a shell...... I thought it was quite clever but the kids didn't quite seem to get it!) It's hard to tell in this photo but you can see one eye popping out at the edge of the shell!
This week we have been reviewing the importance of demonstrating respect towards our classroom space and materials. When I was reorganizing the classroom I noticed a lot of missing and damaged materials. We talked about why this is important and different ways that we can show respect such as handling materials gently, not touching or using things that do not belong to us, or are not meant to be used, putting materials back where they belong and cleaning up after ourselves.
In math this week we have been focusing on the idea of subtraction. We've done some practice and learned how to draw pictures to help us solve subtraction problems. On Friday, Mrs. Green's students taught our class a new subtraction game. We've also been talking about the beautiful spring weather and students drew and labelled some of their favourite things about spring time. We spent lots of time working on our Art Cards as well which will be part of a fundraiser coming up so I won't share any photos of those!
In literacy, we have been practicing writing and adding more detail to our sentences. We also talked about the "th" blend and the two sounds it makes. During Daily 5 word work time, students have been working on activities focused on this concept.
- Friday, April 8th - Fitness Bingo Due
- Thursday, April 14th - Booster Juice Fun Lunch
- Friday, April 15th - Good Friday - No School
- Monday, April 18th - PD Day - No School
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