September 23-26
Hello families, Here's our weekly update! This week we finished up all of our government assessments - phew! 😅 This was a lot of our math work this week! We enjoyed starting our week learning about the Autumn season and enjoying the nice weather! We went to the garden for a sit-spot and sketched signs of Autumn. Students enjoyed drawing (and labelling for grade 2s!) their favourite things about fall time! We also learned about Orange Shirt Day this week and talked about why it is important to honour the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Students brainstormed words for how kids would feel at residential schools and how we should feel at school today and recorded these in their sketch books. Many students are still working on this activity. We also watched an episode of Molly of Denali called "Grandpa's Drum" which is a heartwarming story about residential skills. In literacy, we reviewed the letters "I" and "N" with the ...