September 16-20

Hello families! 

Here's our weekly update! 

We had fun celebrating Dot Day on Monday! Students worked on a collaborative dot art project that is on  display in the hallway. 

In literacy we learned about CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words that we can spell with the letters A, M, P, S and T. We also reviewed the letters P and F with UFLI. We met the characters Polly Panda and Farley Fox. Ask you child about the actions for P and F! 

Students have also been working hard to complete literacy and numeracy government assessments. We are getting close to being done! These assessments test letter-sound knowledge, phonemic awareness skills, processing speeds and basic numeracy skills (greater numbers, number lines, counting, identifying numbers, addition and subtraction). 

In math this week we also started learning about data collection and made a bar graph of our favourite colours as a class! 

We've been enjoying learning about the stories of each person in our classroom! We are learning about one person each day and have only made it through 6 so far! This also gives us a chance to do some shared writing together and begin learning about spacing, punctuation and capitalization. 

This week we also learned the story of Terry Fox! This can be a sensitive subject and is often upsetting for some students. I have tried to reassure them that they do not need to be afraid of cancer and that it's important to learn about Terry Fox so his story and dream can live on! We got together with our big buddies to see what they've been learning (designing their dream bedrooms!) and we did some practice training for the Terry Fox Run. Our Terry Fox Run has been postponed until Monday due to the rain. 

When the Terry Fox Run gets cancelled and it's pouring rain outside - the only solution is a grade 1/2 dance party!! 

Scholastic Books

Each month students will bring home a Scholastic book flyer! We had a chat about what the book flyers are and that it is up to each family to order books. We talked about ways they might be able to help around the house to earn some money to order books and that every family won't be able to order books every time! When you do order from Scholastic, it gives me some money to spend on materials and books for the classroom! Please have your orders in by the due date. If they are late there is a chance that I will have to submit them the following month or ask you to spend a little more money in order to get free shipping! 

Class Code: RC142429
Due Date: Tuesday, October 1st

Health & Wellness

We've had to have quite a few conversations this week about keeping your hands to yourself. We've talked a lot about saying "stop" and walking away, and students have been reminded to ask an adult for help if this does not work. Students were also reminded that when they are told stop, they need to stop what they are doing that us bothering/upsetting the other person. We've also had to have some conversations about not touching other people (i.e. touching each other on the bum) as well as talking a lot about crushes at school. We discussed how this can make people feel unsafe and uncomfortable and that we should never be having hands-on at school. We are going to be furthering this learning in the next week or two as we move onto learning about boundaries and consent and an appropriate grade 1 and 2 level. 

This week students were excited to welcome back our classroom pet, Cleo the hermit crab! On Friday we took Cleo out on the carpet to look at her (or him... I really don't know) and learn more about her! 

Some responsible work choices from this week! 



These curriculum "at a glance" documents were available at the Open House but I wanted to share them here. Please note we are not piloting the new Social Studies curriculum. 

Grade 2 At a Glance:

Upcoming Dates
  • Monday, September 23rd - Terry Fox Run - Rescheduled 
  • Thursday, September 26th - Orange Shirt Day
  • Thursday, September 26th - Saucy Bread Company Fun Lunch 
  • Friday, September 27th - PD Day - No School for Students
  • Monday, September 30th - National Day for Truth and Reconciliation - No School


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