January 20-24

Hello families, I hate to start the blog off with bad news, but wanted to let you know that our class hermit crab, Cleo, has died. I noticed on Thursday morning that Cleo was not in her shell so I assume she was looking for a new shell and didn't find one to her liking in time. I've had hermit crabs for probably 7 years now and I'm ready to take a break from having a class pet for a little so I will not be getting new crabs at least for the rest of this school year. I do have some sea monkeys that we're going to learn about next week! Some students took it upon themselves to create a memorial for Cleo - how sweet! My favourite note says "days don't last forever." Here's what we got up to this week! In math we continued learning about addition! We learned how to use a number line to add and the strategy of counting on. Grade 2s were working on skipping by 10s on the number line, rather than ones which was a good challenge for them! Grade 2s were also...