
Showing posts from January, 2025

January 20-24

Hello families,  I hate to start the blog off with bad news, but wanted to let you know that our class hermit crab, Cleo, has died. I noticed on Thursday morning that Cleo was not in her shell so I assume she was looking for a new shell and didn't find one to her liking in time. I've had hermit crabs for probably 7 years now and I'm ready to take a break from having a class pet for a little so I will not be getting new crabs at least for the rest of this school year. I do have some sea monkeys that we're going to learn about next week! Some students took it upon themselves to create a memorial for Cleo - how sweet! My favourite note says "days don't last forever."  Here's what we got up to this week!  In math we continued learning about addition! We learned how to use a number line to add and the strategy of counting on. Grade 2s were working on skipping by 10s on the number line, rather than ones which was a good challenge for them! Grade 2s were also...

January 13-17

Hello families,  Here's what we got up to this week!  We didn't get to all the science I was hoping to do this week. I had a big lesson planned for Friday but we ended up having 7 students away so we did some math games instead! There seems to be some sort of bug going around so keep an eye out!  In math we've been working on addition and we've been working away on the numeracy government assessments. Students worked on comparing numbers, addition fact fluency, and placing numbers on an open number line. We practiced some doubles facts and learned that knowing our doubles facts can help us solve other addition problems!  In literacy, we reviewed the short 'o' and short 'u' sounds. Students were given a short 'o' reading passage at their just-right reading level and were asked to read it independently, to a partner and then draw a picture to match the story. For the short 'u' sound, students were given a just-right activity where they were...

January 6-10

Hello families,  Happy New Year! 🎉 We had a great first week back!  We took some time this week to review expectations at school. We read the story "Whole Body Listening Larry At School" which teaches students how they can listen with their whole body (8 body parts!) If you want to follow up with Whole Body Listening at Home I will have it below for you!  It's hard to find a good video of Whole Body Listening Larry at Home! It's also extremely expensive on Amazon! In literacy we have been reviewing short vowel sounds. This week we covered the short 'a' and short 'i' sounds. Students enjoyed learning a poem called "Me and Dad" which they brought home to share. We also did a short vowel 'i' hunt in the classroom. Grade 1 students had to sound out the CVC words and grade 2s had to use three of the CVC words in a sentence - grade 1s were also able to challenge themselves with sentence writing! We had fun playing the Roll & Reads from...