January 20-24

Hello families, 

I hate to start the blog off with bad news, but wanted to let you know that our class hermit crab, Cleo, has died. I noticed on Thursday morning that Cleo was not in her shell so I assume she was looking for a new shell and didn't find one to her liking in time. I've had hermit crabs for probably 7 years now and I'm ready to take a break from having a class pet for a little so I will not be getting new crabs at least for the rest of this school year. I do have some sea monkeys that we're going to learn about next week! Some students took it upon themselves to create a memorial for Cleo - how sweet! My favourite note says "days don't last forever." 

Here's what we got up to this week! 

In math we continued learning about addition! We learned how to use a number line to add and the strategy of counting on. Grade 2s were working on skipping by 10s on the number line, rather than ones which was a good challenge for them! Grade 2s were also working on counting on when adding 2-digit and 1-digit numbers together (i.e. 34+5) We also learned a little about subtraction and completed our government numeracy assessments - yay! 

In literacy we reviewed the short e sound and students learned a poem called Jen the Hen which they brought home on Monday. We also began learning about the FLSZ rule. We enjoyed celebrating Family Literacy Day on Friday! 

We had a really small class on Monday afternoon so we postponed our science lesson for some extra literacy. We talked about sequencing and the beginning, middle and end of a story. We "read" the wordless story "Pancakes for Breakfast" and students drew what happening in the beginning, middle and end. We had fun pausing along the way and coming up with different ideas for the ending of the story before we saw what happened. They also had to sequence the ingredients that were needed to make pancakes. 

Here are our words for next week:

This week we talked a little bit about mental health as Wednesday was Bell Let's Talk Day. We enjoyed going on a walk with our buddies and discussed how fresh air, exercise, and connecting with others supports our physical and mental health! Students also couldn't help themselves with sliding down the hill when we arrived at the park! 

In Science, we continued learning about sound and vibrations. We learned about sound waves and the different ways that sound can travel including: travelling in a straight line, transferring, reflecting and absorbing. Students enjoyed experimenting with tuning forks and Tibetan cymbals. 

In wellness, we continued learning how our brain controls our emotions. We learned about the stress response Fight, Flight or Freeze (thanks Amygdala!)  

Upcoming Dates
  • Monday, January 27th -  Report cards available online
  • January 27-30 - Lacrosse
  • Thursday, January 30th - Montessori Open House (for prospective families!)
  • Friday, January 31st - PD Day 
  • Thursday, February 6th - Papa John's Fun Lunch
  • February 13-14 - Teacher's Convention - No school for students
  • Monday, February 17th - Family Day - No School
  • February 19-21 - Ms. Midgley away at a conference 
  • Thursday, February 20th - Opa Fun Lunch
  • Friday, February 28th - PD Day - No School
  • Thursday, March 6th - SAVE THE DATE - SAM Centre Field Trip - PLEASE DO NOT ORDER FUN LUNCH FOR THIS DAY!!


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