January 13-17

Hello families, 

Here's what we got up to this week! 

We didn't get to all the science I was hoping to do this week. I had a big lesson planned for Friday but we ended up having 7 students away so we did some math games instead! There seems to be some sort of bug going around so keep an eye out! 

In math we've been working on addition and we've been working away on the numeracy government assessments. Students worked on comparing numbers, addition fact fluency, and placing numbers on an open number line. We practiced some doubles facts and learned that knowing our doubles facts can help us solve other addition problems! 

In literacy, we reviewed the short 'o' and short 'u' sounds. Students were given a short 'o' reading passage at their just-right reading level and were asked to read it independently, to a partner and then draw a picture to match the story. For the short 'u' sound, students were given a just-right activity where they were matching CVC words to pictures, doing a word search and writing sentences, or taking a simple sentence and making it more interesting! 


We also started reading Junie B. Jones. I love Junie B and students usually love her books too. She is funny and a little naughty so we sometimes talk about her behaviour as a non-example of how to behave. We can also learn a lot from her grammar mistakes. She uses some words that I prefer not to use with students so I've renamed this one, Junie. B Jones and the SILLY, Smelly Bus. I also change some of the words when we're reading! 

Here are our words for next week! 
There were't enough short 'u' words on the high-frequency list so I added 2 CVC words for the red list! 

In social studies we talked about our hopes and dreams and students wrote and drew a picture about a dream they have for themselves or the world! 



Students have had a lot of energy this week and have been working really hard on the government assessments so we enjoyed a little extra time outside some mornings. I've also noticed that students have been choosing art as a work choice a lot so I've introduced art and tech tickets. Each student gets an art ticket and a tech ticket each week that they can use once. This means, if all of their work is done and they have extra time, they can do art once/week or use the iPad once/week. Otherwise, they need to be choosing more academic work choices from the shelf. 

In wellness we continued learning about our brains. We talked about the impact of positive self-talk and students chose some affirmations that stood out to them! 

In PE we started learning some volleyball skills! 


Scholastic book flyers came home for January/February. 
Orders are due on: Thursday, January 30th! 
Class Code: RC142429

Upcoming Dates
  • Thursday, January 23rd - The Lunch Lady Fun Lunch
  • Friday, January 24th - Family Literacy Day
  • Monday, January 27th -  Report cards available online
  • January 27-30 - Lacrosse (forms to come!)
  • Thursday, January 30th - Montessori Open House (for prospective families!)
  • Friday, January 31st - PD Day 
  • Thursday, February 6th - Papa John's Fun Lunch
  • February 13-14 - Teacher's Convention - No school for students
  • Monday, February 17th - Family Day - No School
  • February 19-21 - Ms. Midgley away at a conference 
  • Thursday, February 20th - Opa Fun Lunch
  • Friday, February 28th - PD Day - No School
  • Thursday, March 6th - SAVE THE DATE - SAM Centre Field Trip - PLEASE DO NOT ORDER FUN LUNCH FOR THIS DAY!!


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