March 3-7

Hello families, 

Here's our weekly update! There are some things I don't want to share too much about because I want to keep it on the down-low for conferences and our upcoming assembly! 

The highlight of our week was visiting the Sam Centre! We enjoyed learning about the history of the Calgary Stampede, including the first Pancake Breakfast. 




In math, we learned about number bonds and composing/decomposing numbers using number bonds! We played a fun game called "Bonds, Number Bonds" (read in your best James Bond voice). Grade 2 students also learned the stacking strategy for addition. 


We've been working with Ms. Adamson's class to learn about understanding others! 


We spent the week reviewing digraphs in literacy! And started some writing connected to the work above. 

Here are the words for next week:

In science we explored light energy and learned about natural and artificial sources of light. In social studies students sketched and labelled landmarks in Calgary (I forgot to take photos!) 


Spring Scholastic flyers came home this week! There was also a book fair planned during conferences so students will have an opportunity to shop during the school day. More info to come! 
Class Code: RC142429

Upcoming Dates
  • Friday, March 14th - PJ Day
  • Tuesday, March 18th - Room 9 & 11 Sharing Assembly 9:30am
  • Thursday, March 20 - A&W Fun Lunch
  • Thursday, March 20 - First Day of Spring 
  • Thursday, March 20 PM & Friday, March 21 AM - Student-Led Conferences - Online (more info to come)
  • March 24-30 - March Break 
  • Monday, April 14th - Zoo Field Trip


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