
Hello everyone!

Today we started our day with Explore and Play and music. During work period, students were working on sorting food into the different food groups (continued from yesterday) and began designing a "healthy plate" based on Canada's new food guide. We also read a book called "How to Feed Your Parents," where the parents were picky eaters and their child tried to get them to try new foods. We had guest reader and during PE we made some movement patterns.

In the afternoon we had our literacy groups with Ms. Kassam and I felt a lesson regarding friendship was needed. We read a social story called "Making Friends is an Art" and discussed our Question of the Day: What makes a good friend? You can also probably find this story on Youtube if you're interested. We also watched this very cute video after our discussion. I tried to drive home the idea that if we are looking for friends that have all of these qualities, we need to try to be the same way. Here are some of the ideas that were shared:
- being honest
- being kind
- giving hugs
- including others
- listening
- don't tell your friends what to do
- forgiving
- standing up for your friends
- positive facial expressions and body language (ie. no eye rolling)
- sharing
- helping
- cheering up your friends when they are sad
- being respectful
- no putdowns
- hands to yourself

At the end of the day, we spent some time using classroom materials to make different patterns. I would give students a pattern rule (ie. A B B C) and they would have to make a pattern with a chosen material. Here are some resources that we've used for patterns in the classroom so far.

School Council Fundraiser 
Family Fun Day at the Hitmen 
Direct link for us set up to purchase tickets directly through the Flames. 
Game is on Sunday March 3rd  Hitmen vs. Kootney Ice. 
We'll have a block of seats reserved for our school so families can sit together. 
Adults -$15.74/ea. 
Kids - $10.49/ea. 

We will be outdoors walking in the field from 11:00-11:25am. 
Please make sure to send your child with warm clothing and appropriate footwear!


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