
Hello families,

I hope everyone enjoyed their Family Day long weekends!

Today we had library in the morning and chose our Weekly Words from the "-ob" family. We also had Guest Reader and played Snakes in the Grass during gym. In the afternoon we had our literacy groups and started talking about using "voice" in our writing. Students then went to music. Throughout the day we opened several Valentine's Cards from our exchange across Canada.

At the very end of the day, I gave students a "question of the day." I'm hoping to use this time to address a few different topics such as learning, emotions, etc. Today's question of the day was: What do you want to learn? Here are a few of the ideas that were shared... I'm sure you can pick out something that your child said.
- multiplication and division
- how to make pastries like a pastry chef
- how to explore the deepest part of the oceans that haven't been explored yet
- how to help clean up Fish Creek Park
- how to make things (ie. switches, electronics, etc.)
- how to help animals
- how to play hockey better 
- how plants grow
- how to make Earth clean
- how electricity works

Tomorrow we will have our Byblos Bakery presentation. Remember to bring fillings for your pitas! I will also be away tomorrow but the class will be working with a substitute who is familiar with the school. I will be back on Thursday!

School Council Meeting with Guest speaker
Thursday February 21st is our School Council’s next meeting. Mike Bradshaw, our CBE school trustee, is their invited guest speaker. He will be available to share information and answer parents’ questions.
School Council February Meeting
Thursday February 21, 2019
6:30 pm
Guest Speaker: Mike Bradshaw CBE Trustee Wards 12 & 14


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