
Hello families!

This morning we read another Rabbit and Bear Paw story about courage. We also started talking about Growth Mindset. We watched 3 short videos from the Class Dojo series on Growth Mindset. I can only seem to find the first one on Youtube! They talked about the idea of growth mindset, making mistakes, and the power of YET! We discussed how we feel when something is hard, how mistakes have helped us grow and something we find challenging at school. I can tell some students have learned about this in previous years or at home! One student commented that we can put too much pressure on ourselves or that a mistake can feel like a bad thing at the time, but it's actually something we can learn from. Students then had a few minutes to work with a partner to try to change a Fixed Mindset sentence to a Growth Mindset sentence and we discussed each one as a class.

Here is some more information about Growth Mindset, if you're interested: https://www.understood.org/en/friends-feelings/empowering-your-child/building-on-strengths/growth-mindset

This will be an ongoing conversation in our classroom!

This morning we also started talking about subtraction! Students were able to choose a material during work period to solve 8 subtraction questions. They could choose the work that would provide a good challenge and help their brains grow! We also adjusted the expectations for Responsible Work Choices by removing some work choices, and adding new ones. Students have also been asked to either choose an independent or partner work choice, and we are going to limit the small group work choices for now, as they seem to be getting a little off-task.

In the afternoon we had Daily 5 and library!

Are you signed up for Seesaw? Tomorrow students will be sharing plans for an upcoming magnet project and will be asking for your feedback!

Report cards will be coming home on Thursday! Please take a few minutes to read this information and check out the linked documents, if you haven't already.

This info was sent home today about the Family Dance!


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