
Hello families!

Today, students were introduced to a new magnet project. They are designing some sort of device that uses magnets. They were shown a rubric for how they will be assessed and were shown examples from another class. They began planning out their inventions and have shared them on Seesaw (if they finished today!) If you are able to talk to your child about their plan, and leave a comment with some feedback for them, that would be great!! Here were some ideas:
- Fishing rod
- Purse with magnetic closure
- Doll with magnetic outfits
- Maze

In the afternoon, we learned about the artist Wassily Kandinsky. We learned a bit about his style of art and discussed abstract art. We looked at these works of art and discussed what shapes, colours, and lines we saw, how they made us feel, etc. The students really seemed to enjoy this and I've been thinking that it would be fun to learn about a new artist every Friday. Here are the paintings we looked at:

1. Yellow, Red, Blue
2. Composition 8
3. Several Circles
4. Composition X
5. Colour Study: Squares with Concentric Circles

We are part of a Valentine's Day card exchange across Canada. We will be making 20 cards and we will send them to 20 different schools, and we will receive 20 different Valentine's cards from these schools. We made art inspired by Kandinsky's Concentric Circle art. I gave students the option of staying inside during afternoon recess if they wanted to keep working on their painting, but they did not have to. We also took some time to review some things we learned about Canada last year and watched an episode of Canada Crew about what it means to be Canadian!


Report Cards
Report cards will be sent home tomorrow. Students will be instructed to bring them home and deliver them to their families, without opening them first. Please take the time to read the comments as we put a lot of thought into them!

The report cards will look a little different this year - the comments and marks were all added to the same program and were printed together. This also means that we had a character count to follow. I did my best to stay within the limit, however, I had to move some math comments underneath the math marks, rather than at the end with the other comments. So, if there isn't a math comment at the end of the report card, make sure to check there. You will also find a music comment following the music marks, and an ELL comment, for any students that are English Language Learners, under the ELL benchmarks.

There should be no surprises on the report card - as always, please let me know if you ave any questions or concerns.


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