
Showing posts from March, 2020

Music Blog

Mrs. Kawchuk has a message for you on her blog. Please go take a look. Here is a link:

Mental Health

Don't forget to take care of your mental health at this time! Here are some suggestions from AHS on how to talk to your children about COVID-19. There are also some resources on the right hand side such as a "COVID-19 Social Story" and some information about "How to Help Children Cope with Stress."


Hi families! I wanted to share this link to some resources suggested by the CBE for learning at home - These are just for you to use if you'd like, but there is no expectation for home learning at this time. Take care!


This web page:  will be updated regularly and is a good resource for commonly used web-based resources. Plans have not been created around longer-term planning for student learning, again please check your emails frequently for more information.  Take care! UPDATE If this link is not working for you, try the following steps:  Visit the  school’s website:   Click: Teaching and Learning –> Learning Commons/Library –> Resource Lists & Advice This should take you to the same place!


Hello families! I hope everyone is doing well during this time. Please make sure check the blog and your emails frequently for updates in the near future. We are working hard to figure out what school will look like for the next little while. LBS will let you know updates when we have them. Thinking of you all! Lauren


Hi everyone! Today in music, our class sang a Beatles song for Mrs. Parkinson since she is retiring in a few weeks! They did such a great job and made all of the adults in the room cry! Today we also worked on a little book for her to give her suggestions of what she could do after retiring. In the afternoon we had Daily 5 and we started playing our community trading game, now known as "Settlers of Kanata." The kids had a lot of fun! Today, students brought up the topic of hand-washing, germs, and the Coronavirus. I let students know that they did not need to be afraid of it and the best thing for them to do is to take care of themselves by washing their hands, staying out of others' personal space, and covering their mouths when coughing or sneezing. We talked about how to properly wash our hands and when we should be washing our hands. As always, if you have concerns, please call Health Link at 8-1-1. Emotions are high this week! We have had quite a few pr...


Hello everyone! This morning we continued celebrating Math Week by reading the story, "The Girl with the Mind for Math." We also tied up some loose ends with our Community Project. All of our groups are now named, and students discussed which natural resources they would find and where they would begin developing a community. This project has kind of evolved into more of a game similar to Settlers of Catan (Yes, I probably play too many board games.) But, I think the students will really enjoy learning about resources, economics, communities in Canada, trade, and working together. Students were also shown a self-assessment that they will be using to assess how they work in their group (this will be shared at Student-Led Conferences - I don't want to give everything away!!) This morning we played a math "I have, who has?" game as a class and students practiced their "-ing" words. We had a lot of decks of cards donated from the Deerfoot Inn and Ca...


Hello families! This week we are celebrating Math Week at LBS! We started our day by reading a math story. Students chose words from the "-ing" family and we chatted about a couple of different spellings such as skiing, earring, doubling consonants and dropping the "e" to add "ing." Students also worked on their weekend journals and we had Guest Reader. In the afternoon, we had gym and music! In gym we are starting our Dance unit, but we are also incorporating some math PE games this week as well! Today we played revenge tag with addition and we played "movement master." Last week we filled our pom-pom jar and voted to see what kind of special day we should have. We decided on Stuffed Animal Day which will be on Friday, March 13th! Students are allowed to bring ONE stuffed animal - it should be able to fit in their backpacks - no giant stuffed animals please! As always, students should not bring anything with high monetary or sentimental v...


Hello families! Today students were working on more math facts, practicing their "-ent" words, and doing some writing. Students could choose to write about a photo prompt of a monkey hiding under a leaf in a rainstorm, or they could write about which natural resource they couldn't live without and why. For math, students could choose between addition to 20, addition to 100 without regrouping, and addition to 100 with regrouping. We also went outside for gym and had our second last drumming session. We ended up skipping daily 5 in the afternoon because several students still needed some work time to finish up their must-dos. We also filled our pom-pom jar today, so tomorrow we will discuss what kind of special day we'd like to earn! We had a presentation today about a yearbook cover art contest we are having at school. There will be a blog post soon about this! Basically, every student has the opportunity to create a cover for the yearbook that helps to celebrate o...


Hello everyone! We had a busy day today and even with a small class today (lots of vacations and sickness!) we had to keep moving with our community project. Students worked in their groups to name their communities and we began talking about natural resources. We watched this video and discussed what natural resources are, the difference between renewable and non-renewable resources, and how we can use our natural resources while still preserving them and respecting the environment. So tricky! We also had music, gym, and drumming this morning! Volunteer Opportunity I am still looking for volunteers for our Art Felt Studios visit on Wednesday, March 18th from 12:30-2:30pm. Please email me if you are available. One World Drumming Sharing On Friday, our class (and half the school) will be sharing what we learn in drumming. The sharing will take place in the gym from 10:30-11:30am. Seating will be limited. Join us if you can! Card Club Some adjustments have been made to Card...


Hello families!  This morning we started talking about different people and jobs we have in our communities. We will be reading about a specific job for our morning story each day for the next few days. Students practiced their weekly words and we enjoyed playing games outside for gym. Afterwards, we began talking about how different places in Canada got their names. Most places are either named after their landscape, the geographic location, or an important person, and usually tie back to Indigenous languages. This also lead to a conversation about why some places are warmer than others, and the equator.  Here is some information about the names of provinces and territories. I found it quite interesting!  We ran out of time to name our communities in the morning and we were going to revisit this at he end of the day, however we were missing quite a few students so I decided to hold off! Tomorrow we will talk about ways that groups of people can peacef...


Hello families, Today we chose words from the "-ent" family. We talked about the difference between sent, cent, and scent! Students also wrote about their weekends. Before lunch, we enjoyed our first One World Drumming session. Our instructor, Roger, is hysterical and had the kids laughing the whole time. Everyone really seemed to enjoy it! In the afternoon, we enjoyed gym outdoors in the sun and students went to music at the end of the day. Tomorrow we will be having library. It may be the time of year to start sending an extra pair of socks to school - we had a lot of students with soaked socks after recess today. Hello Spring!!! Volunteer Opportunity I am still looking for volunteers for our Art Felt Studios visit on Wednesday, March 18th from 12:30-2:30pm. Please email me if you are available. One World Drumming Sharing On Friday, our class (and half the school) will be sharing what we learn in drumming. The sharing will take place in the gym from 10:30-11:...