
Hello everyone!

This morning we continued celebrating Math Week by reading the story, "The Girl with the Mind for Math." We also tied up some loose ends with our Community Project. All of our groups are now named, and students discussed which natural resources they would find and where they would begin developing a community. This project has kind of evolved into more of a game similar to Settlers of Catan (Yes, I probably play too many board games.) But, I think the students will really enjoy learning about resources, economics, communities in Canada, trade, and working together. Students were also shown a self-assessment that they will be using to assess how they work in their group (this will be shared at Student-Led Conferences - I don't want to give everything away!!)

This morning we played a math "I have, who has?" game as a class and students practiced their "-ing" words. We had a lot of decks of cards donated from the Deerfoot Inn and Casino, so we now have 12 new decks of cards to play some math games! I taught quite a few students how to play a game called "Shut the Box" this morning during Responsible Work Choice time, and they really seemed to enjoy it. It is great for developing addition, subtraction, and mental math skills! Thanks to Ms. Thomas, I have instructions so you can also play at home! I have not taught this game to everyone yet. We also had Daily 5 and library in the afternoon.

We are in need of some male volunteers for swimming! You can take the bus with us, or meet us there. Please let me know if you're available! If you are meeting us there, we would need you from about 1:30-2:30.

Swimming Dates
Departing LBS 1:20pm
Swimming lesson 1:45-2:15
Arrive LBS 2:35
Going with Mrs. Ireland's class every day
  • Tuesday, April 21st
  • Thursday, April 23rd 
  • Tuesday, April 28th 
  • Thursday, April 30th 
  • Tuesday, May 5th 
  • Thursday, May 7th 

Math Week
March 9th-13th is Math Week at Lake Bonavista School. Students will be celebrating Math in our World by experiencing a variety of in school activities throughout the week. Math Games, Math Literacy, Math Artwork to name a few.  Additionally, on Friday, March 13th students are invited to wear a math shirt, suggestions include numbers, shapes, patterns, arrays.

Student-Led Conferences
Student-Led Conferences are coming up on Thursday, March 19th from 4:00-8:00pm and Friday, March 20th from 8:00am-1:00pm. Each family will sign up for a 30 minute time slot, and 2 families can sign up at the same time. This is a chance for your child to share their learning, rather than having a sit-down meeting with me, so please make sure they attend! We are working on a few things that we are excited to share with you! The conference bookings opened at 4:00pm yesterday and you should have received an email from the school. Please do not hesitate to call the office or send me an email if you are having trouble with booking a conference.


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