
Hello families! 

This morning we started talking about different people and jobs we have in our communities. We will be reading about a specific job for our morning story each day for the next few days.

Students practiced their weekly words and we enjoyed playing games outside for gym. Afterwards, we began talking about how different places in Canada got their names. Most places are either named after their landscape, the geographic location, or an important person, and usually tie back to Indigenous languages. This also lead to a conversation about why some places are warmer than others, and the equator. 

Here is some information about the names of provinces and territories. I found it quite interesting! 

We ran out of time to name our communities in the morning and we were going to revisit this at he end of the day, however we were missing quite a few students so I decided to hold off! Tomorrow we will talk about ways that groups of people can peacefully make decisions and how each group might come to a decision about the name. Students will be asked to name their community based on the land. 

This morning Miss Wilks also came to visit us and participate in our drumming lesson. Students were VERY excited to see her! In the afternoon we had daily 5 and library. 


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