
Hello everyone!

We had a busy day today and even with a small class today (lots of vacations and sickness!) we had to keep moving with our community project. Students worked in their groups to name their communities and we began talking about natural resources. We watched this video and discussed what natural resources are, the difference between renewable and non-renewable resources, and how we can use our natural resources while still preserving them and respecting the environment. So tricky!

We also had music, gym, and drumming this morning!

Volunteer Opportunity
I am still looking for volunteers for our Art Felt Studios visit on Wednesday, March 18th from 12:30-2:30pm. Please email me if you are available.

One World Drumming Sharing
On Friday, our class (and half the school) will be sharing what we learn in drumming. The sharing will take place in the gym from 10:30-11:30am. Seating will be limited. Join us if you can!

Card Club
Some adjustments have been made to Card Club to help things run more smoothly. There will be a Grade 1/2 card club every other week, and a Grade 3-6 club on the other weeks. This week, card club is for grade 3-6. There is no grade 1/2 card club tomorrow.


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