
Hello families, 

I hope everyone is doing well! I apologize for how long it has been since I posted a blog. This month is flying by! I hope that you all had an enjoyable winter break and enjoyed your extra time. I am very happy to be feeling better and to be back in the classroom with students!

Here are some things we've been working on in the last two weeks! 


In math, we have been learning about addition strategies to help with adding numbers to 20. We have been learning about doubles and doubles +1 (or near doubles). Knowing the doubles will help students to be able to solve other addition problems! 

We have also been working on sorting objects using one attribute. We sorted emojis in different ways such as mouth opened or mouth closed, happy and unhappy, tears and no tears, etc. Students were a little confused and wanted to sort based on too many attributes, so we tried again with different animals and that went much better! Students sorted animals based on where they live, their colours, how many legs, how they were sitting, etc. This week we will be moving on to sorting 2D shapes. 


We have finished reviewing all of our letters and last week we learned about the r controlled vowels starting with "ar." This week we will be focusing on our vowel sounds. We have been doing daily 5 literacy time twice each day which is allowing me to work in small groups with each student twice per week which has been great! We are working on building words, word families and reading books. 


In science we are continuing to look at how animals survive the winter. We have learned all about hibernation and last week we focused on migration! This week we are starting to look at ways that animals adapt to survive the winter. This will include a neighbourhood walk to observe animals in our community.

Social Studies

We have been looking at different rights and responsibilities in social studies. Next we will be moving on to some mapping and landmarks in our communities. 

Fun Lunch was a big success last week! The students are still talking about how awesome it was! If you want to order fun lunch, you can do so through Healthy Hunger

Over the holidays, we did have a hermit crab fatality. Our largest hermit crab died and I believe this is likely just due to age, as he was the largest and therefore the oldest crab. We now have a new teeny, tiny crab! Our other two crabs are named Jimmy and Jovie so we stuck with the J theme and brainstormed names and voted. We ended up naming our new crab JJ. He (or she) is the little one in the green shell below! 

Upcoming Dates

  • Thursday, January 27th - Community Walk
  • Monday, January 31st - PD Day - No school for students
  • Monday, February 14th - Valentine's Day (more info to come)
  • Thursday, February 17th-Friday, February 18th - Teacher's Convention - no school for students
  • Monday, February 21st - Family Day - No School
  • Wednesday, February 23rd - Pink Shirt Day 


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