September 19-22

Hello families, 

We've had a busy week! We packed a lot of learning into our four day week. 

In literacy, we reviewed all of our letters from last week (S, A, T, I and M) by sorting pictures based on their beginning sounds. Grade 2 students (and any grade 1s who want to challenge themselves) were asked to try spelling 5 or more words. We also reviewed the letters P and O using our Animated Literacy Characters. Students have been working on drawing and writing words that start with these letters. Students are encouraged to slowly stretch out the sounds of the word and write what they hear. Here are a couple of examples! Some of the words were copied environmental print. 

In math, we continued to work on patterns. Students created pattern art to show their understanding of patterns. We also started to look at patterns in nature. We learned about different types of patterns in nature and went out to the garden to see if we could find any of them! 

This week we had a lot of birthdays to celebrate - we did three birthday walks! When it is your child's birthday month, I will send you more information. 

For International Peace Day on Wednesday, we watched a video based on the story Do Unto Otters. The moral of the story is to "do unto others the way you would have others do unto you" (treat other people the way you want to be treated!) We brainstormed ways we want to be treated in the classroom and students created little otters with ways classmates should treat each other. 

On Wednesday we enjoyed Room 2's sharing assembly and the Terry Fox Run in the afternoon. Thank you to everyone that made it out to the Open House on Thursday evening. It was so nice to have the school full of families again! 

Here is a photo of all of the grade 1/2 classes' dot art from International Dot Day! 

Orange Shirt Day

Lake Bonavista School is proud to be honouring Orange Shirt Day on Thursday, September 29th. We encourage all students to wear orange in support of this important event. Our class will begin learning more about Orange Shirt Day next week!

Pizza Night with LBS! 🍕

Upcoming Dates

  • Monday, September 19th - Brown Envelopes Due 
  • Friday, September 23rd - PD Day - No School
  • Thursday, September 29th - Orange Shirt Day
  • If you are able, please prepare your child to have an orange shirt in support of this day. 
  • Friday, September 30th - National Day for Truth and Reconciliation - No School
  • Monday, October 3rd - Picture Day
  • Friday, October 7th - PD Day - No School 


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