September 6-9

Hello families, 

We had a great week in room 11! It has been fun getting to know each other better this week. 

This week we learned a little bit more about our hermit crabs. We were lucky enough to see one of them molt today and got to see some of its exoskeleton. Ask your child what they learned about hermit crabs this week! We have two hermit crabs - Jimmy and Sheldon. Jimmy is named after a family friend that gave me the hermit crabs, and Sheldon is named after Sheldon J. Plankton from SpongeBob because he only has one eye (plus his lives in a shell so it's very fitting!) On Fridays we usually watch something during snack time so today we watched a Wild Kratts episode about hermit crabs. 

In math we reviewed and learned about repeating patterns. We made patterns with our actions, built patterns, and coloured patterns. We also learned about some new practical-life work choices. 

This week we also had our first fire drill! Students did very well. There was definitely a little bit of anxiety around the loud alarm sound so we talked a lot about why it is so loud and the importance of the drill even though it can make us feel worried or scared. This week we also had a Welcome Back Assembly and celebrated International Literacy Day on Thursday by buddy reading with Mrs. Green's class and watching a presentation from the CBE. 

We started some art for our sketch book covers on Friday which involved sponge painting.  We also learned about Peace Conferences which is a really nice way to end the week. Everyone sits in a circle and we pass the talking rock around. Students can either say thank you, congratulations, or apologize for something throughout the week. They always have the option to pass!

Make sure to check your child's backpack for a brown envelope! Some paperwork is digital this year and the rest is in the envelope to be returned as soon as possible. 


During snack time students will be using placemats in their space as part of our Montessori practical-life learning. Our laminated placemats don't hold out very well so we are asking for a placemat from home if possible. Something simple that can fit in your child's lunch kit is perfect - even a tea towel works! The placemat is meant to travel to and from school each day. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know.


If your child is going to be absent, please make sure to contact the phone via phone or email. I would also appreciate being cc'd on the email so I am kept in the loop! 

Physical Education

This year, we will not always have phys ed indoors. On the days that we do not have time in the gym, we will be going outside for phys ed. Please make sure your child has appropriate shoes for both indoor and outdoor phys ed. At LBS, we love to go outside in all types of weather (unless it's colder than -20) so we will be going outside - rain or shine! 

Upcoming Dates

  • Wednesday, September 21st - Peace Day
  • Friday, September 21st - Terry Fox Run 
  • Thursday, September 22nd - Welcome Back and Open House
  • Friday, September 23rd  - PD Day - No School
  • Thursday, September 29th - Orange Shirt Day (If you are able, please prepare your child to have an orange shirt in support of this day) 
  • Friday, September 30th - National Day for Truth and Reconciliation - No School

** Please note that the pick up date has been changed


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