October 24-27

Hello families, 

This week we reviewed the letters W, Y, Z and Q. We will be starting up our Words Their Way program shortly! We've been doing our Daily Language Arts time twice each day so students are participating in read with teacher, read to self, buddy reading, listen to reading and word work twice each week. The Listen to Reading station can be quite distracting for other students if headphones aren't used. If you are able to send headphones for your child to keep in their cubby at school, that would be very helpful.

In math we continued with representing numbers and students did some Halloween math using haunted houses (hundreds), broom sticks (tens) and pumpkins (ones). We've been doing math warm-ups each morning to help kick-start our mornings. I added an example. 

This week we worked on our Art Cards for our upcoming holiday season! Here's a little sneak peak but I don't want to share the final results yet! I think they turned our very cute and the students love them! We also had our last art lesson with Ms. Sharon this week. Thank you so much to all of the volunteers who came to help us! 

We enjoyed looking at sounds gourds this week and students drew and labelled scientific diagrams. We also attempted to learn how to make origami pumpkins which ended up being very challenging and a little frustrating. I've mastered it now and we are going to try again on Monday! 

On Thursday we got together for a STEM challenge with our buddy class! Students were tasked with creating a pumpkin launcher using popsicle sticks, elastics, and a spoon. Our pumpkins were chocolate but not for eating! We learned how to use the iteration process to measure out 13 metres for our testing area and marked each meter with tape. It was a lot of fun! 

Soft Entry

Our "soft entry" time is from 8:00-8:10am. Our instructional time begins at 8:10am when attendance is taken and our morning meeting time begins. It is really important for students to arrive at school on time so they understand what to do in the morning and can participate in our morning routine and morning work. Our Halloween activities will begin first thing on Monday morning! 


November is movement month at LBS! We are encouraging students to be active throughout the winter with a movement challenge for move-ember :).


Students are encouraged to keep track of their movement minutes outside of school time from November 1-30. The class that earns the most movement minutes at the end of the month will earn a special reward! Please support your child in tracking their movement minutes - a form will be sent home on Monday.


Let’s encourage each other to be active and healthy! See the video for more information about our at school and at home challenges for the month.


Fun Lunch

Fun Lunch is back!  Starting Thursday, November 3rd Lake Bonavista School Council will be organizing a Fun Lunch every other week on Thursdays.  Fun Lunch is run through a program called Healthy Hunger at www.healthyhunger.caKids enjoy having a fun lunch to eat at school and parents enjoy a break from making lunch! You may begin ordering today (October 24). The following Fun Lunches have been booked:

November 3 - McDonalds

November 17 - Booster Juice

December 1 - Coming Soon (check back this week!)

December 15 - Waffles and Chix


Account Set up

For parents who have previously had a healthy hunger account your login will be the same. However you will need to log in and then add your student to the correct school and class from the drop down menus.


For parents new to Healthy Hunger.  You will need to createan account on the healthy hunger website and then add your student to the correct school and class from the drop down menus.


Ordering Lunches

Once vendors are confirmed they will be added to the calendar for your selection.  You can order as little or many days as you like. You can place orders for multiple days and multiple children all at once and pay at the end.  Or you can place orders weekly.  Payment is done online through Healthy Hunger, no payments are made to school.


Deadline for ordering is 5 days in advance.  So all orders must be placed by that time. So for Thursday meals, orders must be placed by 11:59pm on Saturday. In order to give the vendors time to order and prep.


Cancelling an order

If you need to cancel a lunch you can do that until the cut-off period which is 5 days before each lunch and get a refund. However with more absences due to symptoms cancelling in advance may not always be an option.


Lunch Delivery

On the specified day lunch is delivered to the school for the students.  We will require a few volunteers to help distribute to the class, so please make sure you are on our volunteer contact list if you would like to help.This is only for the lunch orders so please remember to pack a snack and water with them for the rest of the day.  Or a complete lunch if you did not order that day.


Missed Fun Lunches 

For those times you miss the option to cancel, and your child won’t be there due to sickness or any other reason, we ask that you please contact the school by 11:30am on the day of Fun Lunch to choose an option. Your options are to:

  • Pick the lunch up by the end of the day.
  • Send it home with a sibling.
  • Donate it to the staff room.


Unfortunately due to allergies etc. we can’t give to another child without their guardian’s consent. Any lunches that aren’t claimed by the end of the day will be composted.


Please contact the funlunchlbs@gmail.com for any questions regarding Fun Lunch or lbsvolunteercoordinator@gmail.comregarding your volunteer status.

Halloween 👻

Halloween is Monday, October 31st. Students are invited to wear Halloween costumes if they would like. We remind all students that there is no gore, no masks and no weapons.  Students should come with their costumes on. Please ensure that costumes are comfortable to be worn throughout the day and will be safe and suitable for all daily activities such as gym, recess and learning time. Inflatable costumes are challenging for students to work in throughout the day. We are asking that grade 1/2 students do not wear inflatable costumes. In keeping with nutrition and health protocols, we ask for no additional treats or snacks to be sent in.  

The parade is BACK!  We are so happy to welcome families back to the school for our Halloween parade. The gym will be set up for costume viewing. Our parade will start at 1:00 and students will wander through the gym to showcase their costumes. If you would like to join us, please come to the front door and join us in the gym for 1:00.  Please connect with your child’s teacher if you do not want your child participating in Halloween activities, such as the parade, during the day. 

November 1st will be the Spirit Day chosen by rooms 10 and 12. We will be having a pajama day. All staff and students are invited to wear their comfy pjs for the day. 

Card Club Days for Grade 1/2 (For students who returned signed forms)

Cards are only to be brought to school on card club days. 

  • Monday, November 7th
  • Monday, November 21st 
  • Monday, December 5th 

Upcoming Dates

  • Every Tuesday afternoon - Library book exchange 
  • Monday, October 31st - Halloween at school!
  • Tuesday, November 1st - PJ Day
  • Monday, November 7th - Photo Re-take Day (please send me an email if you would like your child to have their photos re-taken) 
  • Friday, November 11th - Remembrance Day - No School
  • Thursday, November 24th (PM) & Friday, November 25th (AM) - Conferences (more info to come)


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