October 3-6
Hello families,
This week we continued to learn about our daily language arts stations. We practiced "listen to reading" and learned about options for "word work." Next week students will start their daily rotations with each station. I wasn't great about taking photos this week but will share more next week! We reviewed the letters D and E and students sorted pictures based on their beginning sounds for n, e, d, b, o and c.
For listen to reading, please send your child with labelled headphones (regular aux plug in) to use with our iPads to ensure they can hear the stories being read loud and clear!
In math, we learned a couple of number sense games. The first one is called Spider Legs. All you need is 3 dice (here are some virtual ones if you don't have any!) Ask your child how to play! The second game we played is called Make Ten. We watched this video to learn how to play but changed it a bit to work for 2 or more players. We also talked about all of the important days this month and students completed an October calendar to bring home to help them stay organized! We have been learning numbers to 20 in grade 1 and numbers to 100 in grade 2. Our goal for the end of the year is for students in grade 1 to interpret and explain quantity to 100 and students in grade 2 to analyze quantity to 1000.
For Thanksgiving, students in grade 1 made a list of things that they are thankful for that begin with each letter of their name. Grade 2 students came up with something they are thankful for, for each letter of the alphabet! We also played the "Gratitude Game!" Students randomly chose a popsicle stick, and depending on what colour they chose, they shared something different their were grateful for. We watched a couple videos about the importance of gratitude. We also started some turkey artwork that we will be finishing on Tuesday!
In science, we learned a little more about the fall season! We talked about my favourite part of fall - the beautiful leaves! We learned why leaves change colour and created our own leaf timelines from summer-winter.
Library Books
This week we had our first visit to the library! Each student can take out 2 library books for the duration of 2 weeks. Students can leave their books at school or bring them home. We have library time every Tuesday afternoon so if your child wants to exchange their books please ensure if they brought one home that it is sent back to school for library time.
Looking to shop for books online through Scholastic year-round? I have set up a scholastic account for our class. By using our class code you can help our class earn points to put towards new books! I will be sending home Scholastic flyers each month. Happy reading!
Upcoming Dates
- Every Tuesday afternoon - Library book exchange
- Tuesday, October 11th - Artist in Residency begins
- Friday, October 28th - PD Day - No school for students (I missed this one on the October calendars!)
- Monday, October 31st - Halloween at school! (more info to come)
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