December 16-20

Hello families, 

We had lots of fun this week and enjoyed lots of time celebrating the holiday season! 

Students worked hard on their sleigh designs and had fun building out of recyclable materials. They were surprised when a bell was added to the mix and they had to muffle the sound of the bell! We had fun testing the sleighs outside to see if they were stable, could glide in the snow, and carry presents. 




Students also completed a self-assessment!

We also enjoyed some time with our buddies making some crafts and cards! I'm going to post photos but students may be keeping these a gift.. so apologies for the spoiler. 

These are the grade 3/4 examples because I forgot to take photos! 

We had fun on Grinch day reading stories and watched the original cartoon Grinch at the end of the day. We also enjoyed learning how to draw the Grinch!



On Wednesday we learned about snowflakes for our winter wonderland day! We read Little Snowflake and learned about different types of snowflakes including: dendrites, plates and columns. Students did some sketches of these snowflakes. We also had fun trying to make our own snowflakes! 


These ones are also really fun if you're looking for more of a challenge! 

We also finished our letter review with the letters V and Z. Our characters are Victor Vampire, and Zackary and Zena Zebra. Ask your child about the actions for V and Z. After the break we will review short vowel sounds and move into digraphs, with more of a focus on sentence writing. 

We read lots of fun Christmas/Winter books this week! 



Students brought home an activity to complete over the break that helps us to better understand each students' culture. If you could please take some time to complete this over the next two weeks and return it in January, that would be greatly appreciated. Please find Ms. Adamson's example below. If your child did not receive the handout, you can recreate your own on a blank piece of paper - it doesn't have to be exactly like this! 

Upcoming Dates

  • Monday, January 6th - Classes Resume
  • Thursday, January 9th - Subway Fun Lunch
  • Thursday, January 23rd - The Lunch Lady Fun Lunch
  • Monday, January 27th -  Report cards available online
  • Thursday, January 30th - Montessori Open House (for prospective families!)
  • Friday, January 31st - PD Day 
  • Thursday, March 6th - SAVE THE DATE - SAM Centre Field Trip - PLEASE DO NOT ORDER FUN LUNCH FOR THIS DAY!! 


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