
Hello families!

Today we read the story, "The Bad Seed" to start off our big seed-counting day. During work period, students practiced their weekly words and finished up any work from earlier in the week that wasn't completed. During our short Friday gym time, we played some freeze dance.

We then got started on our pumpkin seed counting! We read a story called "How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin?" which gave us some hints about how many seeds there might be, as well as some counting strategies. The book explained that pumpkins that are darker in colour and have more lines, have been on the vine longer so they develop more seeds (for each line - there is a row of seeds) and that lighter coloured pumpkins with less lines are likely to have less seeds. The book also suggested counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s to count up all the seeds. Students made predictions and then started making their seed groups. It quickly became obvious that we needed some help, so I called up our grade 3/4 buddy class and got a few helpers to help us count! The pumpkin with the least amount of seeds was "Harold" with 415 and the most was "Spookley" with 570. "Candy Corn" had 500 and "Cracky" had 455. Our pumpkin with the lightest colour actually ended up having the most seeds - who knows! 🤔 For the last part of the day, students had some free choice time and could have an extra snack if they wanted. During our first snack today, I had to show students an adorable video I saw yesterday about the world's oddest animal couples.

Halloween at LBS
Halloween is coming up! I thought I would let everyone know what our plan is for Halloween. On Thursday, October 31st, students are invited to bring their costumes to school. We will put our costumes on after lunch time. Students should not bring costumes that have masks or weapons as we need to know who is wearing the costume and should incorporate school-appropriate themes. They should also be able to put their costume on over their clothes as we can't send everyone to the bathroom to change. We will have a bit of a Halloween celebration in the afternoon and will do our annual costume parade. Families are invited to come view the costumes in the gym at 1:00pm. If you are interested in sending a treat (healthy snacks are preferred but who doesn't love cookies) please send me an email. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about the upcoming Halloween event. And remember - Friday, November 1st is a PD day!


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