
Hello families of room 13,

This morning I was feeling as if the class didn't even need me! During Explore & Play time, one student was helping a small group on the pumpkin art that they missed yesterday, and another student was leading a Kids Art Hub step-by-step drawing of a witch. How self-sufficient! Before music, we added the labels to our pumpkin art.

Here is an example of our finished Parts of a Pumpkin art! I sent them home with everyone today.
Students went to music, and because some classes were using the gym to practice for their assembly, we did some Go Noodles in the classroom. During work period, students practiced their words, finished up their pumpkin art if they needed more time, and worked on a Halloween graphing activity. The question: How many more pumpkins than ghosts? was definitely a challenge for a lot of students! 

In the afternoon, we had mindful minutes and had time for a Halloween story before the assembly. Ms. Brown, Ms. Thomas and Ms. Carroll's classes showed us some of the work they have been doing recently in their classrooms. Our sharing assembly will be sometime in June. At the end of the day we had guest reader and discussed some of the expectations for Halloween tomorrow.

Code for 30% off Papa Johns until June: ABSCH20 🍕

Halloween at LBS
Halloween is tomorrow! Students are invited to bring their costumes to school. We will put our costumes on after lunch time. Students should not bring costumes that have masks or weapons as we need to know who is wearing the costume and should incorporate school-appropriate themes. They should also be able to put their costume on over their clothes as we can't send everyone to the bathroom to change. We will have a bit of a Halloween celebration in the afternoon and will do our annual costume parade. Families are invited to come view the costumes in the gym at 1:00pm. If you are interested in sending a treat (healthy snacks are preferred but who doesn't love cookies) please send me an email. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about the upcoming Halloween event. And remember - Friday, November 1st is a PD day!

Thank you to those who offered to volunteer for slime-making tomorrow! We now have enough volunteers and will be able to go ahead with the activity. Also, thank you to families that have offered to send treats for our Halloween celebration tomorrow! We were able to fill our pom-pom jar today in order to earn our Halloween "party!" I can't wait to see all of the costumes!


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