
Hi families!

Today we had a lot of fun with our pumpkins!

This morning we read a story called "The Legend of Spookley the Square Pumpkin." We practiced our "-et" words, finished colouring our mini-books, and each group came up to weigh their pumpkin. Our lightest pumpkin was 7.6 lbs and the heaviest pumpkin was 13 lbs. Students used their 4 senses (no tasting!) to describe their pumpkins and were able to design their own jack-o-lanterns. I knew the groups wouldn't be able to decide on a design so I printed 4 off and gave one to each group when it came time for carving. We also watched this video that taught us that a pumpkin is actually a fruit! It also helped us with knowing the different parts of a pumpkin.

In the afternoon we carved our pumpkins! The students had a great time scooping the seeds and "pumpkin guts" out. We had parent volunteers to help us with the carving - Thank you SO much! When students finished, they worked on a cut and paste "parts of a pumpkin" activity. Tomorrow we have the big task of counting the seeds! Here are some photos from our fun day! My favourite part.. one student told me, "Thank you so much for planning this for us Ms. Midgley!" and gave me a big hug 💗


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