
Hello families!

This morning we brainstormed words from the "-ag" family. After snack, students chose their words, we had Daily 5 and Guest Reader. Right before lunch, we listened to the social story "Thanks for the Feedback" (the sound quality is not great!)

In the afternoon, we had Mindful Minutes, talked a little bit about helpful feedback, then went to gym. I showed students a picture I was trying to draw, and my version of it and asked for feedback. We discussed how some feedback can be nice (ie. I like what you drew) but not really helpful. They provided me with helpful and not helpful feedback. We will be using this skill for some artwork tomorrow. At the end of the day, students went to music.

Tomorrow we will not be having library because the library is closed this week for the Scholastic Book Fair set-up. Instead, we will be viewing the book fair on Wednesday afternoon and will have our regular library time next week.

This week we will be working on a fall-autumn art project in collaboration with Mrs. Ireland's class and we have a "Museo-Kit" from the Glenbow Museum that we will be working with.

TD Books ðŸ“•
On Friday, all grade 1 students brought home a book from the TD Grade 1 Book Giveaway. This year's book is "My Heart Fills with Happiness."

Art Felt Studios ðŸŽ¨
Please do not forget to pay for Art Felt Studios! If you are paying online or in the office, please send me an email to let me know. This needs to be returned by Friday for your child to participate on Monday!

Conferences ðŸ˜º (There's no option for a teacher Emoji on Blogger!)
Conferences are this Thursday evening and Friday morning. Please do not forget to sign up and do not hesitate to contact me or the ladies in the office if you're having trouble booking online! There are detailed instructions in last Tuesday's blog.


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