Hello families!
This morning we had some more time with the One Room Schoolhouse Mueso-Kit. We took a look at some of the photos and discussed how school was different and the same 100 years ago. We also read a story on Epic about school 100 years ago.
This morning we had some more time with the One Room Schoolhouse Mueso-Kit. We took a look at some of the photos and discussed how school was different and the same 100 years ago. We also read a story on Epic about school 100 years ago.
During work time, students practiced their "-ip" words and worked on an activity to compare school today vs. school 100 years ago. Students could choose to split their page in half and draw pictures and/or write about each, or they could create a Venn Diagram to compare. In the afternoon, we had Daily 5 and library.
Tomorrow we are going to try another math problem similar to the shopping task we worked on last week and we will be talking about summarizing stories.
Parent Resources
I decided to create a Google Drive folder to share some resources that you can use at home. Since the blog is public, I didn't want to leave the folder open to the public as well. If you would like to access the folder please CLICK HERE and request access to it and I will approve you! There aren't a lot of resources on there right now - you can always let me know if there's something I can add that would help you at home.
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