Sept. 28-Oct. 2

 Hello families! 

This week we continued talking about growth mindset. We also learned about Orange Shirt Day. Students designed their own orange shirts. Here are a few! We are continuing to discuss this important day and are focusing on the things that make us special and the fact that we are free to be who we are.

This week we reviewed the letters K, F, B, G and C. I think B is my favourite Story Bots video! All of the characters are posted on our Google Classroom!

We also started learning about repeating patterns. Students in grade one will focus on repeating patterns and students in grade 2 will also learn about increasing patterns. Grade 1 students will be able to learn more about increasing patterns as well, if they are ready! Our pattern activities from this week are posted on Google Classroom.

Throughout the week we also worked on a collaborative poem. Each classroom in our school made their own found poem. We started by looking at three photos of our school/things related to our school and brainstormed words that came to mind. 

Each student then chose their favourite word and wrote it on a piece of paper. We used a Google program called Jamboard to organize the words in a way that sounded nice. 

I then organized them on paper and had a few students read the words aloud. We can't wait to see the poems that all of the other classes created! 

On Thursday we continued talking about seasonal changes. We are having such a beautiful fall! We watched some videos about fall time and warm colours. Students drew and or wrote about fall months, clothing, weather and activities. We also did some fall art with sponge painting! They turned out beautiful! 

We had to have a few reminders about the "Covid Rules" as students are forgetting a few things! We are emphasizing safe play inside and outside. We will continue to have this conversation throughout the year! 

Today I surprised students with the "Class Dojo Store." They were able to use the points they earned this month to "purchase" something from the store. These are just items I've picked up at the dollar store such as notepads, pencils, erasers, keychains, etc. Students had to do the math to figure out what they could afford and what they would have left over. Some students chose not to spend their points this month and to keep saving them up instead. Who knew we'd be teaching money management in grade 1 and 2?! I'm really just trying to add some fun into this strange and unpredictable year! We will do this at the end of each month as long as it goes well! Each item was cleaned before the students received them!

Halloween is approaching! I can tell the students are already getting excited. We are still working out a plan for what Halloween will look like at school this year. If you do not celebrate Halloween, please let me know! 


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