December 6 - 17

Hello families, 

Last week we reviewed the letter I. Vowels typically tend to be the trickiest letters for students so we only did one letter for the week. This week we will be reviewing the letters W and V. 

We have been busy working on some literacy and numeracy assessments that were provided by the government in order to determine gaps in students learning with the pandemic. The students have been quite receptive and seem to actually be enjoying them a bit. Last week we also learned about addition and began discussing some addition strategies. We will be continuing with this work after the break. We are continuing to explore different 2D shapes and where we find them in our environment. 

In science, we have been exploring the question: How do animals survive winter? We discussed the needs of humans, animals and plants and how our human needs change in the winter time. We then began learning about some of the animals that hibernate in the winter. I'm hoping to talk more about hibernation this week but we have a busy week ahead and might not get that far! 

We are also working on some winter art that will come home at the end of the week! We were going to do some reindeer art but students who attended LBS for kindergarten mentioned they did the same art project last year so we decided on something different! Some students that are new to LBS were a bit disappointed to not do the reindeer art so I said I would post it on the blog for them to do at home - Don't worry, it's pretty easy! 

Reindeer Art Examples & Instructions 

From the website - not our class!

A few things have been left in our classroom recently and no one is claiming them. Please let me know if any of these items belong to you! 

Don't forget that Thursday is Holiday Sweater Day and Friday is PJ Day! The first day back after the break will be Tuesday, January 4th, 2022!


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