June 19-23
Hello families, This week we braved the rainy weather at Fish Creek Park! We ended our trip a little early but still had a great time. Thank you to our volunteers - these trips aren't possible without you! On Wednesday, we celebrated National Indigenous Peoples Day. We enjoyed a lovely assembly where we received three flags from the CBE, reviewed our 2022-2023 Call to Action, and revealed our Call to Action for the 2023-2024 school year. We enjoyed a full school sit-spot outside where we were able to do our up, down, all around sketching routine - an activity that we were unable to do at Fish Creek due to the rain. We also watched this video from the CBE to learn more about the three indigenous flags. This week we also coordinated with the kindergarten teachers to give the kinders a chance to visit the grade 1/2 classrooms. Mrs. Sidhu and Ms. Mumford took all of the grade 2 students outside for PE while the kinders visited our classrooms. The grade 1s got to prac...